Chapter Seven: Cheap

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This man was crazy! Absolutely, completely, totally, one hundred percent crazy.

After he drug me out to his car, which was very nice and very expensive by the way, he drove me to my apartment building.

How he knew where I lived, I had no idea. My guess is that Mark had given him my address when the two of them... talked while I packed.

"Stay," Mister Wealthy demanded.

I rolled my eyes as I wiped the tears from my cheeks. I wasn't a dog, but I was too scared to say anything or make this man mad.

During his 'talk' with Mark, Mister Scary and Wealthy here had nearly knocked my boss, well former boss, out cold with just one hit because he 'looked' at me wrong.

The man who oh so nicely made me quit the job that I desperately needed and forced me out of the club opened the passenger side door for me and unbuckled me like I was a child. A child!

"You will not do anything to set the babysitters off. You will not run. You will not scream. You will pack your bags and get your... child ready to come home." I wasn't requested to do anything, I was told to do so.

The way this man spoke about my son, it was as if he hated my baby already. He didn't even know what my son looked like.

I hated hearing someone speak so lowly and with such distaste about my innocent little baby, or any innocent living creature of any kind.

But, I did as I was told. For my son's safety.

It was nearly one thirty in the morning and I knew that Mister and Missus Wilksons were both sleeping if Cole was letting them. I would hate to disturb them, but did I have a choice? No. I wasn't given a choice.

I led Mister Adams to the Wilksons door and knocked three loud times.

"This is not your apartment," he rudely observed.

I know! I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I wanted to run. But I couldn't.

Instead, I told the truth. "My neighbors watch Cole while I work."

Mister Wilksons opened the door a few minutes later. He was obviously very tired and I had obviously woken him up. I felt so bad for the man.

"Anna, my dear. You are off from work very early," the old man commented as he opened the door all the way. "Who is this man?"

I didn't get the chance to reply, Jess Adams spoke for me.

"I am her fiance, Anna quit her job today." He spoke way too professionally, it was weird.

I didn't quit! I wanted to yell. And I am not marrying this man! HELP!

I stayed quiet and tried to give my neighbor a convincing smile.

"I didn't know that you were seeing anyone, come in, come in! I'll go wake Amy up, come sit." Mister Wilksons ushered the two of us inside.

Mister Jess Adams brought me on over to the old couch. I could tell that he was disgusted by it, the look on his face said it all. But, he sat down and pulled me onto his lap anyways.

Just wait until you see my place, you will absolutely loathe it.

It didn't take long for my baby boy and Mister and Missus Wilksons to return.

Cole was still sleeping while Mister Wilksons carried him on over. I would have gotten up and ran to my son if it weren't for a certain someone who had me held against him.

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