Chapter 7. The promise

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No ones pov

Lance and Keith made it safely to his room, with a few minor difficulties, but safe. They sat down on Lances bed and Keith asked.
"Yeah Keith?"
"I'm starving"
"Oh I got you buddy, be right back"
Lance left the room locking it in his way out.


Keith's pov

"Hmmm hmm hmm" humming is fun...wait what I saying. H-humming is for l-losers! Wait..Am I trying to act cool in my head? Ugh Lance is starting to rub off on me.
"Keith I'm back with food!" Lance smiled. Wow that smile is amazing.
How can his face even stretch that much?
"Keith, you're staring at me"

Oh god

"N-no I wasn't! I was staring at the food, I'm hungry remember."
"Ohhhh right right. You weren't totally admiring my fabulous looks." Lance said sarcastically. He gave off a cocky smirk.
"Like anyone would enjoy your looks."
I snap back at him.
"Keith," he laughed "You're being such a tsundere" he belted out laughing. He put his hand on his face and looked up.
"Is that one of those anime things? Cause if it is, No I'm not" I try to stay calm. I was wanna punch him so much right now, yet again he got me out of that cell.

We hear a knock on the door and Lances face immediately went to stone.
"Who's there?" He asked in a pissed tone. I didn't even know his voice could go that shallow.
"Shiro" the person behind the door answered back. "What do you want? Did Allura send you here to take Keith back?" His eyes looked so serious...Lance can get serious?! Since when.
"No she didn't." Shiro sighed. "Then why are you here?" Lance being shallow to his teammates? Over me? No way, I thought he hated me- "Keith. I don't hate you. You're fun to tease and argue with, but I don't hate you." I remember lances words. I smile and blush slightly. Wait why am I blushin-
"I just wanted to see how Keith was doing." Shiro exclaimed. "How do I know that's not just an excuse? You could have checked on him anytime you wanted when he was in that cell, but you didn't." Lances face looked furious. Then all of a sudden his face looked pained. Was it because he reminded himself of when I was locked up?


Lances pov

"How do I know that's not an excuse? You could have checked on him anytime you wanted when he was in that cell, but you didn't." Who does Shiro think he is?! Like hell I'll let him trick me and take Keith back to that cell. Focus Lance, focus on what's happening right now. I take in a deep breath. Oh god just having Keith back in that cell... the way he was put in chains. Barley any food. PLUS HE WAS HURT. I look down picturing it all again. N-no I have to put a strong face for Keith. I look over to Keith but his face has a red too it. Oh god is he sick? I look over to Keith and mouth. "Are you okay?" He looks at me startled then nods, which means yes.

I look back at the door. It's so silent. Then I hear Shiro take a breath.
"Lance please let me in"
I look over to Keith for his opinion. It took him 5 seconds to think about. He nodded yes.
"F-fine" I say as I open the door.
"Oh Keith.." he looks at Keith with a sad look. Who does he think he is?! If he cared so much about Keith he could've at least backed me up in the dining room, or visited!
"H-hey Shiro" Keith was hesitant. He looked down and tried to cover his face as much as possible.

I think about going to walk over to him but then Shiro sits beside him on the bed. I close the door and lean on the wall.
"I-I'm so-" "Don't." Shiro looks down. "I don't like hearing apologies, they make me feel pathetic." Keith's voice explained as it got lower. My eyes widen.

I broke my promise.

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