Chapter 20. Coran

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Keith's pov

Coran grabs me gently out of Shiro and Hunks' arms, excusing us and bringing me to a room I've never been to before. I calm down, Coran rubbing my back with security. I don't know why he's doing this, isn't he like Allura's uncle or something? I just insulted her and yet he's comforting me? I don't mind though, it's nice knowing someone has your back (quite literally in my case) and is there if you truly need him. "It's okay my boy...I know you're hurting."

I sniffle and rub my eyes, not used to being calm enough to become drowsy.

"Coran?" I ask, barely a whisper from my throat.

"Yes, my boy?" he responds, almost instantly.

I want to know more about him, want to know if he's ever felt the same way I have.

"Have you ever lost someone?"

He pauses, contemplates and smiles. "Multiple."

'Oh,' I think, though you can see the words through my facial expression.

"Don't fret, It doesn't hurt as bad anymore." he consoles me, not wanting to make me feel uncomfortable with his response. I want to know who..but how do I ask?

"King Alfor and my son, Lawrence."

I stare at him in disbelief, can he read minds? King Alfor and his son Lawrence? That name is so similar to Lance's. Is that why Coran and he are so close?

"King Alfor was a great man, and I'm sure your son was too." I give him my condolences.

"Yes, they both were. King Alfor and I had a.. special relationship, making it much harder for his loss." He looks down fondly, memories flooding his head, eyes painted.

"Special relationship?" I ask, being naive. I think to myself for a moment, then realized what he meant. Him..and Alfor? But wasn't Alfor a woman? And had Allura??? Huh?????

"It was- is a secret. That is why It was very hard to take Allura and leave that day. He was very dear to me." Although it pained Coran, it didn't make him distraught.

"...and your son?"

"Ah, Lawrence. He was-" he starts to tear up.

"Lawrence. I don't talk about him too much. He was my son, even if he wasn't biologically. Before he-" his voice cracks, composing himself. "Before he died, we had a fight. He found out about Alfor and me, he freaked out, calling me a liar. I didn't know what to do and by the time I did, it was too late. That was the last time I saw him.."

His story makes my stomach swirl. If that had happened to me, I would never have been able to heal as well as Coran had.

"Come to think of it, Lawrence was very similar to Lance in away. Always cracking jokes, feisty and flirty.." Coran remembers what had happened a few days ago up until now. I could relate to the expression Coran was making thinking about it, and all I could think was

"Me too"

Coran looks up at me. Did I say that out loud? Before he can respond we here the announcement alarm go off. It was Allura speaking.

"Paladins, head to your stations. We're going to retrieve Lance."

We both look up and each other and smile.

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