Chapter 17. The plan

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No ones pov

While Keith was dealing with his demons, Shiro Allura and Coran had a different plan in mind. Lance's rescue plan. They haven't gotten far, but they do have something.

"Wait wait let me stop you right there."
What is it Keith? I'm trying to tell the story.
"Yeah I get that but how are you telling it from their point of view? I wasn't there and neither were you."
Oh Coran told me.
"Of course he did."
Okay I'm going to continue now.

They didn't know if Lance was still floating in space, crash landed on a random planet, or got captured by the Galra. They were hoping for the first or second option if possible.
"Princess what do we do? How do we start to form a plan if we can't even figure out where he is?" Coran asked with the up most sincerity. "We need to figure out where he is.. but how." Shiro asked rhetorically, putting his hand on his chin. They all took a minute to think. Allura gasped. "I don't know if this would work, but I am almost sure that there are tracking devices on all the pods."
Shiro and Corans eyes lit up. This gave them the little hope they needed to continue the search.

1 hour later

"Pidge, how were you able to find the control area for the pods so fast?" Questioned Shiro.
"We're in space Shiro, I need something to do in my spare time." She rolled her eyes and chuckled.
"You hack the castle in your spare time??" Coran was baffled.
"What else am I supposed to do- oH" Everyone jolted their heads towards pidge. Well everyone except Keith. He just waited outside the door.

"What is it Pidge?" Hunk asked as he put his soft beefy hands on her shoulders.
"I-it's working! It's showing me everywhere the pod has been."
"That's great Pidge! Nice work." Allura was excited to see their cheerful paladin again.
"..But we don't need to where he's been, we need to know where he is now." Pidge groaned, stressed out that they had to wait even longer now.
Everyone went silent once more.
"Maybe it will only take 5 minuets till it shows us where he is?" Hunk offered. He hates seeing his friends in his distress. What he hated even more was that their blue paladin wasn't there to cheer them up.

Keith's pov

I can hear their voices, I just can't hear what they are saying... I wish Lance was here.

Lances Pov
(It's been awhile ;)

I wake up, wondering if anyone cares to visit me anytime soon. The prince lotion has been visiting me a lot, but hasn't done anything major. It's weird. On one hand he'll be completely evil, wanting to do so many evil things to me. Yet on the other hand he'll treat me like I'm so fragile, not wanting to hurt incase I break. He has a lot of mood swings.

I've gotten some food in my system after for what seems like days. It tasted horrible though. Like come on man! What's a guy gotta do to get some decent grub around here!?

I sigh.

Are they really coming? I did disrespect them... but they disrespected Keith! Ughhh...

This was a stupid idea.

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