Chapter 10. Were getting out of here

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(This switches from third person to lances pov)

Lance started running. He didn't know where, but he was running. Looking for Keith. Looking for the purple boy. He knew what he had to do. They needed to run away. Away from all of this disaster.

He finally found Keith. He was looking at Allura just standing there. Allura was looking at him with a confused angry look. "Keith!" I yell out to him. He turns around at me confused. Then a face full of regret.

I'm guessing he remembered but that doesn't matter now. I grab Keith's hand and start walking away. "Lance? Lance!" Keith's shouting at me but I don't care. "Lance." Allura finally says. I simply look at her with my angry dead eyes. I see her face and body stiffen.

Once we're out of the room Keith pulls his hand away from mine. "Lance! What are you doing?!" He looks angry. "Were leaving." I simply state. "What? Why!" Oh Keith.. "Keith-" "No!" Keith interrupted. "Why are we leaving?! What if I don't want to leave!"


"Oh Keith..don't you see it?"
"See what?" I raise both my hands and simply look at him with my eyes. My hopeless, lifeless eyes.
"They don't want us here, they don't need us anymore."

Keith stopped for a moment. I took his hand again and started heading for the escape pods. While we're walking keith blurts out. "Maybe they don't want me here, but that doesn't mean you have to leave."

I stop. I turn to him. "Keith it's okay, I just want to help you." I put up a fake smile. "How is this helping?" We make it too the escape pods. "Lance! Answer me!"

"I don't know Keith! I just feel like I need to do this! Like I need to help you." I make it into the pod. I put out my hand to help him into it.

"Maybe your not helping.." Keith mumbles. I didn't hear him. "What?" "Maybe your not helping! You never help! You just make everything worse!" I look at him with drained eyes.

"Just leave me alone." I notice that the ship starts running even though I didn't turn it on. I don't stop it though. It can't just fly off, right? "Keith I-" I try to make up with him. I put out my hand once more

"No! You never help lance!" I flinch then put my hand down slowly.
"Your jokes are unfunny and you always make me feel worse and pitiful! You always smile even in the worst situations!


The ships goes off and runs off all I can do is stare. Stare at him screaming. Stare at him trying to open the door. Then, I'm off


Keith's pov

Before it went off, it was like in slow motion. All I saw was his face. His dead eyes.

You know what he does before it leaves. He.. smiles. He smiles like everything is going to be okay. Like everything is fine. Then he's gone. Gone from the castle, in outer space.

I scream. I fall to the floor. Punching the grounded as I'm on my knees, and I scream. "Why why why why why why?!" Over and over and over again, until I hear the doors open.

It was hunk. "I heard screaming what's going on-" he looks at me. I look at him. "Keith.." he runs over to me and hugs me. "It's okay buddy.. what's wrong." All I can do is cry. Cry cry cry. I'm pathetic.

He's the one I'm most danger.. so why am I crying? I finally calm down. Hunk stops hugging me and looks at me, hands on shoulders. "I-it's Lance, he's g-gone.." I lean down again and start to cry. Why am I crying?! Get a hold of yourself.

"Hey, hey keith what do you mean? Lance is gone?" Hunk sounded scared and confused. "H-he wanted to run away *sniff* with me.. from all this mess.." hunk looked saddened.

"And I f-freaked out on him." I drop my head. "I punched the escape pod and it left on it's own..and..and" I look up at him smiling, tears in my eyes.


"And all he did was smile."

I hear a gasp. It was Allura. Her coran and the other paladins only heard the bad parts. "Lance is gone?" Pidge mumbled to herself. "And it's Keith's fault." Allura glared at me grinding her teeth. "I-I know.."

He's gone, and it's all my fault

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