Chapter 2. The plan

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Writers notes at the end

Just like the last chapter, I've decided to rewrite this and it will be at the bottom, enjoy.

Lances pov

It's been about three hours since I first went to Keith's room, since then we've been trying to think of a plan. A plan for us to tell the other paladins what's happening to Keith. So far we've only come up with 2 ways.
1. We could just go up to them and say "hey so Keith is turing galra. Deal with it." Which Keith doubts will help but I think it's a great plan.

2. We could leave it to me, the beautiful and great! To explain what's happening. Then Keith will come out in his galra form to show everybody.

I, personally don't like that idea. I think Keith should be the one to tell them... but I mean that's not all the ideas. We could still come up with more. "Lance..." Keith sighs. "This is hopeless, we'll never be able to tell them." Keith in the last three hours has been Turing more and more. His whole left side of his face is now purple, his ears now work and twitch sometimes and he now has both his galra eyes.

"What?! You're already giving up! We just started!" Lance takes his hands. "Come on buddy! Don't give up yet we can still think of a way to do this." Lance cheered. Keith took in a deep breath and said "Okay".

Keith's pov

30 minutes go by and Lance had to leave to go to the bathroom. "Keith" a voice hummed. "Wah?.. who's there" Keith replied holding his ground. "'s you really not remember me?" The voice was getting louder. "What do you mean?" Keith whispered.
He didn't remember doing it but his hand were now on his ears. "Keith do you really not remember?" ... "Keith remember me" ... "remember us" ... whispers over and over all in his head. By this point his on the ground, hand on ears, crying. "St-stop it" he sobbed "pl-please.." "why would we do that?" The voice sneered "I - I don't know you!" He cried. "But you do" voice..just the voice...only the voice.. "Who are you!" Keith screamed.

Keith!" Lance ran over. "Hey buddy, you okay?" Lance said, worry in his voice. Keith looked up. Lance noticed his tears were a gold yellow. "Heh. Why are you crying? Loser. pathetic."...
"w-what?" Keith whimpered. "I said, why are you crying are you okay?" Lance replied giving off a smile with worry behind it.

"O-oh" Keith whispered. All of a sudden lances face started to warp into this nothingness. Eyes black. Smile empty. "Do you really think I care about you?" Shut up. "I'm only doing this so I can get rid of you" Shut up. "No ones really going to except you." Shut. Up. "You. Are. Nothing." "Shut up!" Keith yelled as he attacked the lance before him. "Hey guys Allura wanted to talk to all of us- oh my god lance!"

Heh guys! Sorry this was a little rushed I just have so many ideas to get out. :) again not the best writer. Anyway I hoped you like the new chapter :3 I worked hard on it. I know it's short I just hope you keep enjoying it as much as I like writing it. If you want to give me your opinions or pointers, tell me in the comments or dm me on Instagram @v._.who thanks! :)

All under case letters are meant to be there to help set the tone. Think of it as a poem.

Lances pov

It's been about three hours since I first went to Keith's room. Seeing that Keith's appearance is becoming more galran like, we've been brainstorming ideas on how to tell the others. So far we've come up with two possibilities.

The first idea was from yours truly. While we're eating in the dining room, I will slidley say "So Keith's turning full galra... Hunk this food is great!"  Which Keith doubts will help but I think it's a great plan.

The second idea we both thought of. I could explain the situation and what happened, and after they've processed it Keith will come out and show himself. He think's we should do this idea but I dunno I like mine better.

I just think Keith should be the one to tell them, y'know since it's his life and all. But I mean that's not all the ideas. I'm sure could think of one we both agree with! "Lance..." Keith sighs at me. "This is hopeless, how are we supposed to tell them if we can't even think of a way to tell them." He groans and places his face into his hands. In the last few hours, Keith had been changing more and more. The whole left side of his face was now violate, his cat-like ears are fully functional, twitching every now and again, and both eyes were now golden yellow.

"What?! You're already giving up! We've just started!" I grab his hands from his face. "Come on buddy! Don't give up yet, we'll figure this out." I try and give him the motivation he needs. I hope it helped. Keith took in a deep breath and nodded. "Okay".

Keith's pov

30 minutes go by and Lance had to "powder his nose" as he puts it. If this is like the time before I'm sure this will take at least fifteen minutes. I slouch and decide to wait patiently. I hear humming. The humming begins to turn into ringing. Ugh, I hate when I get a ringing sound in my ear. Only this time it starts to sound more painful than annoying.

"Keith" an unknown voice hummed. I jump up startled and go into a fighting stance. "Who's there." Hostility flowing through my voice."Keith.." It pauses. "How-" "Do you really not remember me?" It interrupts. The voice was getting louder. "What do you mean?" I reply in a low tone, making sure I don't let my guard down.

All of a sudden a thousand whispers all saying Keith started to flood my mind. Before I knew it my hands were covering my ears trying to make it stop. stop make it stop. "Keith do you really not remember?" I keep quiet. "Keith remember me" What is it talking about? "remember us" ... whispers over and over, all drowning my mind. I fall to the ground in pain and horror. My eyes become blurry with a watery gold. "St-stop it" I groan. "pl-please.." my voice cracking."Why  should I?" The voice sneered. All of the whispers stopped waiting for an answer. I don't answer. they come back. voices..just the voices...only the voices.. I scream.

"Keith!" no... "Hey, buddy, you okay?" not another... hyperventilating, I look up and see Lance. "Heh. Why are you crying? Loser. pathetic."...
"w-what?" l-lance..? "I said, why are you crying are you okay?" i can see the worry on your face so why are you smiling?

Him and everything around warped to nothingness.  eyes black and deep like a cave. smile empty. "Do you really think I care?"  huh? "I'm only doing this so I can get rid of you," shut it. "I lied. I said shut it."You. Are. Nothing." this is a trap. a trap. Attack. you need to attack. I feel flesh between my claws. 

"Hey, Keith? Allura wanted to talk to all of us-" . . .

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