Chapter 9. Pointless

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"Wh-what....what happened.." Lance woke up by himself in the bathroom. "Wh-whe-....what's that smell." He looked down to see the chrimson blood that was running down his chest and for head.

"What the-" He remembered. "K-Keith? N-no that couldn't have been him." He snickered as he was still bleeding, forming a pool of blood on the ground.

"I go- ow.. gotta get up and find Keith. I can't tell anyone about this or else the- ow! God dammit, or else they're going to l-o-argh! Lock him u-up again." Lance groaned while gradually getting up. He walked out of the bathroom back into his room.    (They're connected)

He finds some bandage and walks back to the bathroom. He washes off the blood, disinfects it and bandaged it up. He put a small band aid on his head where the blood was coming out of. Just enough so you could barely see it.

"There.. now time too look for Keith." He left the bathroom for the second time and went searching. He went to the dinning room, training deck, where the lions were and lastly Keith's room. He was no where.

He saw hunk in the hallways while he was walking. Oh! Maybe hunk will know. "Hey hunk." Hunk was apparently lost in thought because when lance talked to him his head jolted up. "Wha- huh? Oh..hey Lance..." he looked back down again.

"Um hunk?" "Hmm?" "Have you seen Keith? I've looked everywhere" hunk remembered that lance said Keith was going with him and his room so he got a little worried.

"Wasn't he supposed to be with you?" After asking that, hunk noticed the band aid on lances head. "Lance.. are you okay?" At first, Lance was a little confused. Then he remembered his band aid and pointed to it.

"Oh this?" He chuckles. "Nah hunk I'm fine, I just fell while looking heh." He puts his hand behind his head while smiling. Hunk didn't believe him, but he wasn't going to push on the subject more.

"Well," lances says while starts walking away. "If you haven't seen him I'm going to keep looking." But before Lance could walk away hunk puts his hand on lances shoulder.

"Lance..." "hmm?" Lance turned around so that he was facing hunk again. " not supposed to talk to you or Keith.." hunk looked sad as he put his head down again. "Allura said that until you uhm.." he clears his throat.

"Until you calm down and agree to let Keith go then.. we can't talk to you.." Lance was furious but didn't show it.

Why do I need to calm down & agree with them?

Lance thought to himself but then
cooled down. He took hunks hand off him as he says "Thanks for breaking the rules for me buddy" he winks then walks away. "N-no problem.." hunk mumbled back.


This is so stupid...

  This is so dumb..

This is so..


I'm sososososososoosososoo sorry I haven't updated in a while! I was just being lazy and had writers block :,) anyway hope you enjoyed the new chapter. I'm going to try and get as many chapters out or at least done before school starts :,)) anyway again hoped you enjoyed!

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