Xiuchen - Tough Guy

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Chen's POV


Sounded the bell in my ear. I grabbed my bag from the floor and slung it over my shoulder with a small jingle of spare change. I began my descent to the cafeteria. It was almost in my direct sight as all I needed to do was turn right and I'd be by the first set of tables. But unfortunately for my stomach, I decided to first drop off my books at my locker. As I shoved my books in, the rest of the people in the hall found their way out of it, leaving me alone.

I put the last of my books into my locker and closed it with a swift movement as I swung my body around, but to my mistake, I only ended up running into someone. Someone I did not want to deal with right now. I tried to walk away from him only to be stopped by his tight grip on my arm.

"Where do you think you are going?" He said, teeth gritting.

"Come on! Can we not do this today? I just wanna go eat!" I said bravely.

"Now you know I can't let you do that, did you forget that you're my favorite punching bag?" He said a scary grin growing on his face.

"Xiumin, I know it might be hard for your microscopic brain to wrap around this, but I'm not going to let you lay another finger on me, so if you could let me go, you can go somewhere and have some anger management classes." I said, the words pouring out, half with fear half with confidence.

Yet, he was still persistent on keeping me there.

"Get your hand off of me now or I will make you!"

His face peered at mine, smiling at my words.

"Oh really?" He exclaimed, "such a weak man for such strong words! Now come on, tell me you meant that!"

"I, I did, if you don't let go, I will do something!"

"Haha haha" he busted out in laughter, "do it then, come at me!"

I began to try to pull away and he surprisingly let me go. I began to walk towards the cafeteria with him yelling after me.

"Wow, you can't even motivate yourself to do that! One day I'll show you what it means to take initiative!"

I just ignored his words as the conversations from the cafeteria filled my ears, rendering myself from hearing his voice.

~A Few Days Later~

Chen's POV
The past few days have been hell for me. Anything I say or do results in me having to communicate with Xiumin. Every five seconds he's there to nag me and call me names and everytime I threaten him he tries to get more out of me. Honestly, I can't take it anymore! He's just so... ugh

Not only that, but right now, I'm in the same situation. Right now I was alone in the locker room, just simply changing my clothes when he walked right on in and began to tease me about how if I have muscles then why don't I use them to beat him up. I'm just super fed up with him. So I made a decision I'm not entirely proud of.
I spun around and slapped him right in the face, my hand stopping, just hovering a bit over his now red cheek while I processed what just happened. He was going to kill me, I thought. The images of my weak self flooding into my mind.

Then, in one swift motion, Xiumin grabbed a hold onto my shoulders and slammed my back against the lockers. A mix of anger and something else filled his eyes as they stared into mine. He picked up his hand from the locker behind me and put it towards my face. I squinted my eyes, just waiting for the impact.

But it didn't happen as I expected.
Instead of a hard slap he placed his hand gently on my cheek. And instead of a busted lip, I got something else.

His lips were on mine, moving softly, while I just stood there in shock. He continued until he finally noticed that I wasn't kissing back.

It seemed as if his heart had froze as a sad expression spread upon his face as he made his way to the locker room door. But before he could fully leave, I grabbed his arm, just like he used to do to me. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. My hands shakily found their way behind his neck as I placed a kiss on his lips. And he kissed back. As soon as he did so, tears flowed from my eyes, landing onto my shirt. The rude things he used to say actually meant something. That's how he expressed love. And that's what made me cry.

~ Thanks for reading! Feel free to follow or add suggestions!
Btw, I didn't exactly check over this so...

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