Sulay - Without You

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No one's POV
A man in denial walks down a dirt road, dust flying around him as he stepped. His head hang low as dark clouds spread across the sky. His thoughts ran throughout his mind as he looked to the forest on his left. Frogs croaked in rhythm as his gaze continued on into the green scenery. He was drawn to it, like a moth to a flame. Soon his feet changed directions, now going to his left, burying him in the live forest.

After some time, he was fully engulfed in it. Who knows how big it was but he continued on his way, never turning back. His own racing mind came to a slow halt as he focused on his surroundings. A few steps away lie a small stream, water ran down the rocks as he settled onto a stump beside him. His stress fell from his face and he took a deep breath.

"I could get used to this." Suho whispered to himself.

But soon his once serene feeling turned to one of horror. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted something moving. Wait. Not something. Someone.

Relief washed over him as he turned his head to see a good looking man, climbing over a fallen tree, making his way closer to Suho.

The man couldn't see him sitting there. He just continued on his way to the stream, the one he visited everyday.

He finally made it to the stream and eventually took notice to the man across from him. His hair styled up while wearing a gray sweater.

Suho had been watching the guy ever since he came into sight. He continued to watch on until the man looked up at him and they made eye contact.

The look on the mysterious mans face was one in question.

Almost like it was on que, both on them said "Who are you?" At the same time.

"I'm Lay," began the man, "why are you here?" He said, his voice breaking a bit.

"I'm Suho, I don't really know how or why I came here, but if its a problem I can leave."

"No..." Lay said, tears brimming his eyes, "Stay"

He moved his way towards Suho, joining him on the stump. His hand clutched his hair as he leaned over and began to cry.

Suho sat there, staring foward as he listened to the quiet cries of his acquaintance. He looked to Lay, trying to find a way to comfort him without being too awkward.

His hand rubbed against Lays back slowly, trying to calm him down which only seemed to make it worse. He patted his head in hopes of it helping, but still nothing. He grabbed his torso and brought it onto his lap, running his hair through his hands as he began to stop crying soon after.

Lay continued to be on Suho's lap, the minutes passing by as he stared at the stream.

"If you don't mind, could you tell me what's wrong?" Suho asked, his eyebrows lifting.

"Y-Yeah sure"

"My friend and I used to come here all the time. I loved him and there was no doubt. His eyes were beautiful along with everything about him. His presence was what made me happy. But he's not here now. He was involved in an accident and he got a head injury. I had only a few hours by his side until his heart stopped. I regret not confessing to him. I regret not giving him any hint to how I felt." Lay said, voice breaking with each word as he rose from Suho's lap, Lay's hand settling on top of Suho's left thigh. Lay stared on into his eyes as his began to tear up more and he cleared his throat.

"And that's why I asked you to stay. You look exactly like him. No matter how many tears film my eyes I can still see his face and its the same as yours. Could it really be you?". Lay said, his hand shakingly touching Suho's face as he sat there confused.

Then, in a moment's flash, Lay's lips were locked with his. The slow passionate kiss longing until Lay pulled away with tears running down his face.

" I love you" he whispered touching Suho's face again.

And with those words, Suho disappeared, nothing else to be seen, leaving Lay alone to sob in torment.

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