Chen x Reader - Rain

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Hey guys! I wanted to try some new writing styles, so I'll try exploring those through the next few stories! Hope you enjoy! And I would also like to thank you for 3k+ reads!! 😘
The morning was cold, a slight breeze flowing about the air. As did another thing, something no one could really explain but felt deep within. Love. Love spiraled through the air, crashing into those who were unaware of this feeling before. Some would call them lucky, others would incoherently disagree. For love confuses us all, being taken in this way and that. What were once scenarios dreamt up by one became reality to another. Therefore, jealousy can come out of love, the green eyed monster within us all, driving us to be tangled in our own thoughts. Driving us to do things and see things in another light. A darker way of seeing the world. One that can only lead to a feeling of emptiness and disappointment.
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Our story begins with a lone young woman, black hair trailing down her back as she was traveling her way down the street. Her feet hit the brick path with a slight thud, her black combat boots nicely fitting on her small feet. No particular emotion shone on her face, making it hard to decipher her mood. Soon, small droplets of water fell from the atmosphere as the sky darkened. The weather had no effect on her, yet somehow perfectly reflected her feelings. She stopped in her place, watching as puddles formed on the ground to her left and right. Her body soon became soaked, the rain falling down harder. Just like the rain, tears soon came falling from her eyes, blurring her vision and the things around her. The scene became saddening, the woman left to drown in the rain and her own tears. With the fall of the rain came her break down. Whispers of curses coming from her mouth as she started at the ground. Thoughts played across her mind, yet did nothing to change how she felt.
"Love is like the rain, it falls one minute and is gone the next. Yet like the rain, Love will come back." She muttered to herself, shaking her head in disagreement.
"To hell I'll let love in again." She sounded out, picking up her left foot, for the boot's soles became squishy with the rain that filled them. She sighed, still not moving from her place on the middle of the sidewalk, silently taking everything in.
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Yet her sadness doesn't originate from something true, but a misunderstanding. For we now meet the man behind her mood. He's been planning something special for the one he loves, the only one he'll ever love. He's gained the assistance of a tall, fair young woman, beautiful features engulfed her, her outfit of pastel colors demonstrating her impecable style. For she was a party planner, yet the man wasn't planning a party, he was planning a proposal. Flipping through books of decorations, the man addressed the woman.
"Is there a way for you to have a lit sign that has 'Chen + Y/n' in a heart?" He asked, excitement present in his eyes as he awaited her answer.
"Of course! But it'll cost extra." She says to the hopeful man.
"Great! There's nothing I wouldn't do for that girl, I think she's truly my one and only."
"That's so sweet." Said the planner, her placing her hand on his shoulder, a slight chuckle coming from her plump red stained lips.
Yet, the man's one and only walked through the door to see the scene, too quiet to be noticed by the other two.
"Like I said, it'll cost extra, but we can get started when you want to." Said the planner, the best intentions meant by her statement, but it was interpreted in the worst way by the woman with black long hair. Both rose from their chairs, only to just then spot the woman by the door, tears falling from her eyes in her petrified state. One hand gripped some bags from the store she had gotten earlier and the other hand laid to rest on the door knob. Shock and horror filled the man's face, as he rushed towards his love. She only backed further into the door as he tried confronting her. But before he could speak, she interrupted him, not letting him state his case.
"I-If your going to be seeing a whore, don't-don't bring her in OUR apartment! And don't let me c-catch y-you." She said, her voice breaking multiple times throughout the sentences. The man's face grimaced and horror still filled his expression. Before he could reply, she twisted the door knob in her hand and dropped the bags she had been holding. She angrily stampeded down the corridor, violently smashing a button on the elevator so the doors would open. She once again, smashed the lobby button, the doors closing as she saw the man's black bangs bouncing on his forehead, tears flowing from his eyes, and utter sadness spread across his face. He raced to the elevator, yet the doors closed before he could get in. And to his luck there was only one elevator and they lived on the top floor of a very tall building, leaving the staircase to be his only choice.
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And here we are, back with the lone woman, soaked in her own sorrow. She continued to cry, the fall of the rain enducing her own downfall. She truly was an emotional wreck, just hoping someone would come and pick up the pieces. And like her prayers were answered, the man from before came dashing down the wet brick path, a mixture of tears and rain drenching his face. All this rain and yet not an umbrella in sight, I guess he cared so much about finding her that he could care less if he contracted an illness later. He did it for her, he did everything for her. Soon, his sneakers treaded down the beaten path, spotting a womanly figure in the distance, remaining stagnant in the middle of the sidewalk. He knows it's her, how could he not remember? His love for her is too strong. He finally raced down the last half of the pathway, catching her in his embrace. She wiggles out of fear, hatred for him. He notices her movements, her true disgust present in her expression. But to her dismay, he looked into her eyes, his beautiful brown eyes shone with true love and admiration for her. Her eyes teared up more looking into his, words weren't needed for an apology or explanation for the situation, the look in his eyes said it all. With that, he caressed her cheeks with his hands, leaning down. He placed his lips on hers, passion and the utmost love being conveyed. She kissed back, tears and rain flowing down both of their faces. Only true love could do that, only true love could make someone feel a hundred emotions at once. And that's just what it did.
Well I hope you liked it, and if you want, give some feedback on what I could fix in my writing! I love criticism, it only helps to build my writing to make it better! Also, please do recommend if you want a certain story and I'll most definitely write it for you! Don't be shy!

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