A night to remember chapter 11

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When I step out of the carriage and enter I saw tons of women in fancy dresses and many men. I couldn't see my father anywhere. In the crowd I see Nat.
"Nat!" I yelled as I rushed to her.
"Y/N? How did you get here!" Nat said confused.
"I am seeing my father as then I'm gonna try to get back into here." I said.
"Mon ami we have soldiers guarding the territory if you come back they will send you back home again." Nat says."Well anyway glad to see you once again."
As me and Nat chatted,she told me about how the guys know about me and who I really am. She showed me where the guys where.
Alexander wasn't there as he was dancing with someone and Laurence was sitting with Lafayette.
"Well if it isn't Y/N, what a surprise!" Laurence says.
"So...you guys are all cool knowing that I'm...a girl."
"Of course we are mon ami your like us, your our friend." Lafayette says.
"Hey laf where is Hercules?" Nat says.
"No clue he was here a minute ago must of ran off trying to find a perfect lady." Lafayette takes a drink from his glass of beer.
"Well I should leave ya guys I need to find my father I have to talk to him."
"Good luck." Laurence says.
As I search around the ball room trying to find my father. I feel someone grab my arm.
"Hey sweet heart wanna dance~" the guys said.
"Uh no thanks." I try to get loose as he doesn't let go.
"Aww come on now one dance won't kill ya." The man puts his hand close to my waste.
"Let go of me!" I shouted.
Be wouldn't let me go until a tall man came across him.
"You heard what she said let her go!" The tall man said.
The guy let go and ran.
"Thank you so much s...sir." I looked up as it was Hercules."Hercules.."
"Hello Y/N long time no seen." He said.
We both smiled as he hugged me.
"Wait! You still are ok that I'm a girl tho." I said.
"I'm fine with it it's just to be honest I was worried in what general George did to you when he announced your removel."
"I'm fine now Herc don't worry." I laughed for a second."Nat was right about you your are a softy."
"HEY! But I am a hard rock I'm fearce and dangerous!" Hercules said.
I laughed.
"I don't get how you said women are scared of you, your the most kindest person I have ever meet."
Hercules blushed when I said that. I bet he could tell I was starting to flirt with him.
"Y/n...would...would you like to dance with me?" Hercules said as he held out his hand.
I felt my face get hot I didn't know i was blushing.
"Yes I would love to." I took Hercules hand as he led me to the ball room floor.
We danced for almost a hour laughing and chatting. That whole time I forgot to see my father but I think my mother was with him. We went outside where no one was there.
"I remember when I was little if I did something bad my brother always said if you don't stop I'm gonna tar and feather you! He never actually meant it but it scared the living shit out of me as a child." Hercules says.
I started to laugh my ass off.
"I remember when one time when I was younger I took my father's horse all the way to my aunt's house which was downtown as when I got back he didn't even know I left." I said.
"Wow, but still he found out you where with him all along."
It started to snow again as I was getting cold.
"Here take my jacket." Hercules wraps his jacket around me.
"Thank you Herc."I look down as I had to tell him something."Hercules I don't know how to put this but I...I-"
Hercules came close to me as he kissed me on my lips. We stayed there for a moment before he moved away.
"I love you too..." Hercules said completing my sentence. He held my hand as my whole face flushed in red from blushing so much.
"Y/N!" Someone called out. It was my mother I has to leave.
"Don't worry I will write letters for you y/n." Hercules said as he kissed my hand.
I kissed him once more on the cheek.
"Please stay safe Herc." I ran off to my mother as the snow fell collecting snowflacks in my hair.
"There you are. Where were you!" My mother said.
"I was hanging with my friends." I lied. I didn't want her to know I was with Hercules or she will flip.
"Well your father told me to say hello for you and he is glad your safe now. Anyway it starting to snow hard as we should get home before the roads get icy."
We get in the carriage the whole way there. The whole time I looked out the window thinking of Hercules. I didn't know he loved me as well. This was surly a night to remember.

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