Chapter 3

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I grabbed my bag off my desk and my green folder and ran down the steps. My mom had already left but maybe if I was fast enough I would be able to catch my dad before he left. I grabbed my keys from the dish near the front table, shut off the lights, and as soon as I got out of the door my dad was gone. Shit.

I brushed my fingers through my hair and stared at the time glowing on my phone screen. "Do you need a ride?" I heard a voice from the next house and I looked to my right and the boy was standing there. I narrowed my eyes at him. His drumsticks were firmly gripped in his hands and his leather jacket was more than a cliche. 

I smiled almost unimpressed. " I am going to walk." I skipped down the steps and down the path of my front lawn. My legs moved without thought as I could feel his eyes following me. I pushed my hair behind my ear he jogged behind me.

He placed his hand on my shoulder to stop me. I turned slowly, crossing my arms across my chest in confusion. "But, if you walk you are going to be late." He proposed grinning. Was he serious about this?

"I don't know you," I said simply. He shrugged. "Well, my name is Mason and I am your next door neighbor. Plus, I am in class with you. You have to know me." I rolled my eyes. If I do let him give me a ride people will talk. If I don't let him give me a ride both of us will be late. What do I have to lose?

"Okay," I said quietly making my way over to him. He was smiling the same smile that he gave me last night. This must be another notch in his belt or some kind of sick game that he is trying to play.

As we approached his driveway I noticed his walk. A simplistic yet complicated walk that forced his body to sway from side to side. It was almost cocky. "Thanks, I am happy to do service with you." I rolled my eyes and stopped to look up his black driveway. It was empty and barren. I was looking at nothing here but loose weeds.

"Where's your car?" I asked and he laughed a little. 

"I don't drive cars. Sadly, cars aren't all that cool," he stated. He opened his garage door with a button on one of his keys. 

"So, we are going to fly to school."

"Exactly, on my motorcycle." I looked up at him.He retreived the bike from under a tarp and began to walk it down the driveway.  It was a shiny, back, and ready for us to get on it.

"No, that is an early grave," I said and he shoved a helmet at me. 

"Put it on." I adjusted my guitar on my arm. I put the helmet on and I watched him get on it with ease. Shit. I have never been on one of these before.

"Get on." I hopped on. Without ease, though. It was harder than I had thought it would be. He looked at me over his shoulder. How does he make it look easy?

"Hold on." I held onto his waist loose. He pulled out of his driveway and soon he was going at full speed. I am going to die before I get to school. This is a rolling death machine. I clenched him tighter and I could feel his body through his shirt. I knew he was smiling his face off up there.

"If you hold me any tighter you will cut off my breath supply." I slowly loosened my grip on him and I closed my eyes off the back roads that we were headed through.

"Sorry." I felt him going faster and faster and my fear started growing by the second. Can't he take a hint? I. Am. Scared! I closed my eyes as he went into a small amount of traffic and I started gripping his waist tighter. He began to weave through the cars as if he was floating through the air like a bird.

We came to a sudden stop almost 30 seconds later and I slowly opened my eyes. We were in the school parking lot. The other students briefly looked at us but went back to their small talk. Many of the girls began to chatter with flirty smiles on their faces until they noticed the girl hanging onto Mason for dear life. 

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