Chapter 5

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"Tess Andrews! Please report to the Principals office." I heard my name over the intercom. What did I do? I lifted myself out of my seat in homeroom and walked to the office. Of course I didn't know where I was going.

I turned a random corner. "I didn't know that Piper was a bad girl." Mason said catching up with me. I looked at him and he had a wide grin on his face.

"Go away." I said. He looked at me and I restrained from looking at him. He had his drum sticks twirling away between his fingers.

"Oh, why so angry?" I looked at him. I am not angry at all. Just irritated, tired, and annoyed for all the right reasons. Just a little was because of Mason.

"None of your business." I said turning a random corner hoping it was the right way to avoid Mason.

"Well, last night you were playing your guitar for almost three hours straight. That is ridiculous. You were loud and I was yelling your name out the window which did nothing. You were crying and yes I could hear you." I looked at my converses at each step I took and Mason stepped in front of me.

"Tonight, since you don't want to be in the band. Just come and hang with us. You don't have to play or anything just hang out." I looked up at him.

"Sounds inviting. Yeah, ok. I will come I guess." I said lowly. Mason smiled as he stooped down to my eye level. His eyes were full of excitement.

"Do you need a ride home today? I will be more than glad to gave you a ride."

"I guess you would be glad." He laughed a hefty laugh and walked back beside me. I still was wandering through the halls and Mason had not instructed me that I was most likely going the wrong way.

"Am I going the right way?" I asked reaching another hallway and no principals office in sight. Mason didn't answer me. I sighed heavily and continued to walk. There was a hefty man with over sized pants on and a blue striped shirt. A navy blue tie that barely matched his attire.

"Ms. Andrews please come in my office." He said and I hesitantly walked into his office. Mason sent me a very sorry look and I rolled my eyes as I entered. I sat down in a chair and I noticed that the other one was occupied.

I looked over and Jake was looking me in the face. A smile played onto his lips and turned my attention to the principal. His name template said 'Mr. Hank Ben.' He sat down and cleared his throat.

He slammed both of his hands together on his desk. "I have a request of you two," He looked us both in the eyes. "So, I have decided to allow you two to plan the biggest school dance of the year. I am trusting you two because there is a lot of talk about you two lately."

"What do you mean by talk?" I asked. He adjusted his hands on his desk and looked at me. What were people really saying about me.

"You know how Jake here is one of the best quarterbacks we have had in years. How you are one of the best guitarists in the school. So, the meeting will start tomorrow after school. I expect you two to be here to start planning and decorating with the gym for this get together."

"But, I can't do it." Jake looked at me. The principal looked at me expecting an answer.

"Why?" Jake asked expectantly. Quick answer. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"I have band practice. I have a thing to go to for a while. So, I am not going to be able to do it. I think my dear friend Ana wants to do it." Jake looked at me wide eyed.

"That's a good proposal." Mr. Ben said rubbing his chin. Jake gave me a deathly glare.

"Don't stick me with my sister! Do you know how annoying she is?" He pleaded to Mr. Ben. That was the same exact thing that Mason told me yesterday. He nodded.

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