Chapter 10

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I stepped closer to Val and her eyes were dead locked on the stained piece of paper that she held in her hands. She looked up suddenly and passed me the paper. Val didn't know what was going on but I did and Mason.

I began to read the paper. I avoided letting my fingers touch the red stains on the paper. Who knows what it is. I looked at the meticulous writing. It was my mothers. Oh my God.

I might be paranoid for the rest of the week. I can only think of the worse when it comes to my parents.

Dear Tess,

I have decided to go and find your father and bring him back home safely. I really don't want you to worry about me. I promise I will be back home soon. I miss your father very much and it is killing me that he left us. I know that you can take care of yourself while I am gone. If I am not home before next Friday please call the police.

With love, Mom xo

I stood frozen at what I had just read. I can't believe my mom. I felt my eyes water up and I looked up from the paper and Mason and Val looked at me worried. My mom she just left me for my dad. My dad out of all people on the earth.

Mason walked closer to me. "What does it say?" Mason asked. Val just looked at me worriedly and I just wanted to run away. Mom deserves so much better. I deserve much better.

I started to suck it up and talk. "My mom. She left to go find my dad. She said if she's not back by next Friday to call the police. Why would she do this to me. She's no better than my father. She is chasing after something that won't make anything any easier." I said and Mason enveloped me into a hug.

"Maybe she wants the best for you." He said.

"Yeah, maybe its for your benefit." Val said trying to uplift my spirits. I shook my head.

"My dad has no benefit in my life right now. He just makes everything worse. He told me to go to hell. What am I benefiting from that?" I asked. Tears were streaming down face and Mason rested his head on mine. I wanted to hold him forever.

"I bet he still loves you," Val enlightened. "Sometimes, parents vent out on their kids. Maybe he doesn't mean what he said." He meant every last word. It all should have came clear when he left to go to the army when I was a kid.

"Yeah. If he doesn't that's his loss." I slowly slipped out of his grasp and looked up the street at the car that was heading towards us. It wasn't my mom.

"Soon your dad will realise that nothing can compare to his family. I had to learn that the hard way." He said lowly in my ear. What does he mean? He will tell me when he feels comfortable. I guess. But, Mason is a secret keeper not a teller.

"Where did you find the note Val?" I asked. She looked up from kicking rocks on Masons drive way.

"It was actually attached to your gate. It was about to blow away when I grabbed it." I looked at her and she pointed to the place where she grabbed it.

"I think I am just going to stay home and wait by the phone." I sighed. I started walking towards the dip in his driveway on my way to my house.

"I will come too." Mason chimed in and I turned around. Would he really do that for me?

"Me too. Sleepover at Pipers place!" Val yelled passing me heading to my house door. I guess it would be fun with them at my house. Or not.

* Masons P.O.V

Val left just a few hours before midnight and I was left to try and make Piper happy. Although, she was so hurt I don't think anything would make her happy all night. She even refused ice cream and Valerie was surprised.  

Poor Piper. She fell asleep by the phone last night and refused to go anywhere else in the house. I know how much this is hurting her since her mother is involved with it now. She thought of her mother so much better only to be let down by the repeated reality of it.

I never really loved my family. My parents deceived me when I was younger and so now I don't really get involved with them. But, Piper is devoted to them.

I heard a few footsteps around me. "Mason." I looked up and I was laying on the floor. I was right next to Piper, who was sleeping peacefully. She talks in her sleep but usually she would whisper random food items that mad me laugh throughout the night.

Valerie was looking at me. I sat up slowly and my back was tense from her hardwood floor.

"Yeah." I whispered trying not to wake up the sleeping beauty next to me. She motioned for me to stand up and I talked over to her. She was standing by Pipers desk where her guitar was laid on top. It has been untouched for days.

Valerie looked me dead in the eyes. My eyes were barely open because of my twelve hours of lost sleep. "We need to get Piper out the house. I don't like her sitting around here looking depressed and worried." She was right. This is not healthy for Piper.

"What are you proposing?" I asked lowly where a yawn was trying to force an escape. A wide smile spread across her face. She pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket and she placed it in my hands. It was a flyer for a band competition that was on Thursday night. I looked down at her.

"A band competition. It will make her happy." She said leaning against the desk.

"I don't know." She put both of her hands on my shoulders and looked at me. In the eyes. She does this all the time with Piper never would I have though she'd do this to me. It's awkward.

"Trust me she will love it. Besides, she can spend some time with you. She loves spending time with you." Does she really?

"Ok, I will ask her. But, since you proposed this you have to come to all the band practices." She nodded knowingly.

"Of course. Anything to get my best friend back to normal." I heard Piper roll around on the floor and then stopped moving and resumed her sleep. She still looks beautiful while she is asleep. I looked back at Valerie.

"Do you think her dad is coming back for her?" She was mad at the guy. I was furious at the guy.

"I don't know." I said. I looked at her. She was just as affected by this as I was and I all I want for Piper is for her to be happy. If I knew her father his jaw would be broken in half.

"Let's just pray he does." Piper doesn't deserve to be treated with such neglect. She might just cry for the rest of her life if her mom doesn't come back with her father. Or come back at all. Piper will be sad for the rest of her life most likely.


Sorry, its so short but the next chapter will definitely be longer. The band practice and the actually battle of the bands. Let's see what's going to go down! So be awesome and sing to the top of your lungs while jumping on a trampoline?! Who knows!


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