Chapter 24

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Liam was yelling random words and notions all night. Near 1 am he actually went to sleep and that was when I could actually go to sleep. I wasn't all that tired before then but putting up with Liam's drunken wrath was so fucking tiring my eyes could barely stay open.

But, I got some sleep.

"Tess." I heard my name. I opened my eyes and Liam was staring me in the face. I looked at him with blurred vision.

"What?" I asked yawning.

"We are going to the beach." He said too cheerfully for my liking. I sat up and wiped my eyes with my hands. I looked at him and he was still wearing what he was wearing yesterday.

"I am not going to the beach." I said simply. All the cheer in his face was gone.

"Why not?" He asked.

"I am not a beach person." I said standing up. I was took tired last night to even think about changing clothes. I was still wearing the dress and it well onto my legs as I started walking.

"All the guys are going. We all planned on going today. We can't just cancel." He said eagerly.

"You guys can go with out me. I really don't want to go."

"Give me one reason why." Damn it, why do you do this to me Liam?

"It's hot." I said. I am a terrible liar.

"Really, give me a reason." I sighed. He wasn't giving this up. I just grabbed my suite case and walked into the bathroom. I closed the door and looked myself in the mirror. I held onto the counter and started to breath easy.

I started trying to get the zipper down on my dress. It was jammed. Crap. I opened the door to the bathroom and Liam looked up at me.

"Can you help me get this dress off?" I asked. He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Now you need my assistance." I turned around.

"Hey, I stayed up all night with you. Don't talk about needed assistance!" I snapped. I heard him laugh.

"No need to be snappy." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes as I could feel him moved the hair away from my neck and onto my shoulder. I could feel his breath on my neck which ran shivers up my spine. Stupid hormones.

I could feel him stop moving. "Tess, where did you get these scars from?" He asked huskily. I took a deep breath. I turned around to face him.

"It happened a really long time ago." I tried to reassure him.

"If Mason did this to you. I swear to God-"

"No, no, Mason didn't touch me. It happened when I was around ten years old." I said. The memories came flooding back to my mind as the tears fell from my eyes.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Liam said.

"You deserve to know," I sat down on the edge of your bed. "Please, don't tell anyone else. You are the first person I have ever told." He nodded silently.

"Your secret is safe with me."

"Okay," My voice began to get shaky. "My uncle Joe used to live with us. My dad had just deported into the army and my mom was always working. My uncle would molest me and beat me. He told me to never tell anybody or he was going to kill my mom." I cried.

Liam wrapped me in a hug and I held him for a while. "Why didn't you ever tell me when we were together before?"

"Because I didn't want you to think I was some kind of whore." I said. He looked me in the eyes.

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