Chapter 27

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For some reason I wasn't feeling safe going home. Considering the fact that I was living next door to Mason. Finding out that he was mentally unstable made me dread the fact of revenge on him. I wouldn't have anything to protect myself with other than my baseball bat.

I looked at Mason's dark house that stood proudly and bigger than mine. It had a dark shadow that hung around it at night time. "I am going to miss you."

"You are going to see me in the morning silly."

"That's too long." He said with a half smirk which drives me crazy. He kissed me and I kissed him back. I pulled myself away and smiled at him.

"I will see you in the morning." I said. He quickly gave me a kiss before I could get out the car and I glanced at him. He had a wide grin on his face.

"Okay love you."

"I love you too." I said getting out the car. I grabbed my duffel bag and my suite case and headed for my front lawn. Liam never drove away until he made sure that I got in my house safely. My moms car wasn't in the driveway.

I opened the door to my house and left the bags by the door. Everything looked the same and in it's rightful places. It was pitch black in my house. It was nearly past midnight when Liam I actually got back into town. I wasn't really even tired, I slept the whole way back.

I walked up the steps to the hallway that was empty. I ran my hand against the wall as I made it to my room. I opened the door and it was dark with just the moonlight shining into the room. I sighed as I started to take off my jacket.

I felt arms wrap around my body and a hand over my mouth. I felt my heart beat faster as I felt the intruder tighten his grip on me. "Hi Piper." I could recognize his voice. Mason.

"Let me go." I said muffled under the grasp of his hand over my mouth. He started pushing me around the room towards my bed as I was struggling to get free. He pushed me face down on my bed and his body was on mine.

"Piper, what you did at that competition was unacceptable. It deserves discipline don't you think?" I shook my head hastily. His legs were pushing down on the back of mine making them hurt more the second. I felt tears running down my eyes.

"I think you do." He said and I could feel my clothes being ripped right off my back. He never let go of my wrist during the whole thing.

"Stop! Please stop!" I yelled but he was paying no attention me. I felt something dig into my back and it traveled in swift motions. He was cutting me with a knife. The more he did the more it was hurting. I could feel my blood traveling off the sides of my body and onto my bed.

"Have you learned?" Mason said. I nodded hastily and his grip on my lowered. He lifted my head up with my hair and he looked at me. He put the bloody knife up to my throat.

"If you tell anyone about this. I will kill you, then I will kill that person. Understand!" He yelled in my face. I nodded and he let me. The pain in my back was unbearable. He was off of me in seconds and it was quiet. He was gone.

I thought he was going to rape me. If he did he probably was going to kill me after. I never thought Mason would hurt me like this. I moved my hand and my fingers brushed against my open wounds on my back making them hurt more.

I got the strength to slowly stand up and get off my bed. I closed my window and locked it and closed my curtains making my room pitch black. I closed my room door and locked it. I walked into the bathroom and flipped the light on. I looked at my back which made it look like a bloody massacre. I grabbed a towel and stuffed it in my mouth and turned the water on in the shower. I bit down hard on it as my wounds came in contact with the running water.

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