Chapter 19

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Jake's P.O.V

I saw Tess. She actually drank it. I walked over to her as she fell to the ground. The parking lot was deserted and the cold breeze was wiping away the sweat off my forehead. I saw her eyes barely open looking at me. Her eyes were crossing and soon her eyes closed. I picked her up and her body went limp.

"You look even more beautiful." I said wiping the hair away from his face. I walked her over to my car. I opened the door and placed her in the passenger seat. A soft moan escaped her lips as I adjusted her in the seat.

I ran and got in the drivers seat. I started the car and I pulled out of the parking lot and started driving down the road. Tess was out of it and she wasn't going to be waking up anytime soon. I pulled into the driveway of my house. A mansion not so far from the school.

I pulled into the garage and it was deserted and dark. I got out and the echo if my door shutting made the entire room light up in noise. I carried Tess into the house from my car and slammed the door shut behind me. The house was quiet and the decorations were all in place though. I carried Tess upstairs and walked through a series of hallways and I opened the door to a room and placed Tess on the floor.

Her body was limp against the wall and she fell to the side. I watched her breathing and her skin glimmered in the moonlight that was let in by the window. I looked around and noticed that I was actually in my old bedroom.

"I have been waiting to long for this." I looked at the clock and it was just past nine thirty. I looked at her and decided to pick her up and carry her over to the bed and her closed eyes made a small pang of guilt rush through me.

I had started to remove her clothes from her body and I payed attention to her scars on her body. What has this girl been through? I removed her shirt to reveal a black and white striped bra and it made me more excited than I had been before.

I heard a small moan escape her lips as I removed her pants and her body was the perfect shape. Better than I had thought. I climbed on top of her and I looked over her body and I couldn't help but let my fingers rub her skin. It was soft and gentle.

I began to run my fingers through her duly black hair as it fell through my fingers each time. I heard footsteps and my eyes darted to the door. I heard the door creep open and a face appeared.

"What the hell are you doing?" The husky voice asked. I didn't recognize his face but I did recognize the hoodie from the dance.

"What does it look like?" I asked jumping off the bed careful not to hit Tess. I walked over to him and he walked into the room and we were face to face.

"Why is Tess here?" He asked. His hands were clenched by his sides. His eyes were looking right into mine, they were cold grey blue eyes.

"Well, I wanted her." I said simply. He punched me in the face and I fell backwards and he was walking towards me.

"Hey man. Why do you care anyway." I said holding onto my nose.

"She's mine." He punched me again. This time I was on the ground and he beat the hell out of me.

"For a quarterback you are one shitty fighter." The joked and kicked me in the face. I fell over in exasperated pain. I watched as he stepped over me and looked at Tess. He grabbed her clothes and carried her out the room.

"Fuck." I mumbled to myself. So much for getting lucky tonight. I felt blood fall from my nose and I let it fall from my face. What's the point anymore I am not going to be able to break Tess from Mason or this other guy.


I rolled over on top of sheets and blankets that I wasn't too familiar with. They weren't my own of course. My whole body was aching and my head was pounding. I slowly opened my eyes and I was looking out of a window.

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