Chapter 31

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I could feel cold rush through me. I felt like I was shivering. The feeling began to coarse through my veins with no sympathy or awareness.

I slowly opened my eyes and I quickly realized I was laying on a bed. My eyes were stuck glaring at the cracks on the ceiling. The silence disturbed me and fear began to overtake my body faster than I could possibly get a handle on. This object that I was I laying did not feel familiar, it did not feel like my bed. My head was pounding all over. I slowly reached for my forehead where I felt a melting ice pack drip over my fingers.

I slowly began to sit up ignoring the shooting pain throughout my body. A dark figure that was laying next to me caught my immediate attention. The slow breathing and soft snoring indicated that I was laying next to Liam. His hair was beyond disheveled and his clothes barely hanging onto him.

As I began to slowly move Liam quickly turned around and reached his hand over me. I jumped up from out the bed and backed away from the bed making my ice pack crash onto the oak floor. "Let me explain." Liam said beginning to standing up.

I shielded myself with my hands as I unfortunately backed into the farthest corner of the small, dark room. "No, don't touch me. You have done enough." Liam still insisted that walking towards me would calm me. It wasn't working. I crept along the wall towards the door and began to run as far as I possibly could down the hall looking for any door. 

I reached one and I jiggled the door knob until it gave way for me. I ran inside and locked the door before Liam could get to me. "Please! Let me explain!" Liam yelled from the other side of the door. 

Liam knocked on the door and tried the door knob a few times. I looked around for anything that could help me but this was a old bathroom with no windows. "Shit." I scoffed under my breath. I began to rummage through the medicine cabinet and found some expired tooth paste and empty pill bottles. Nothing I could possibly take for my pain.

"No, leave me alone."

"I know you are thinking that I am some kind of killer but it was for your own good. I mean he was going to kill you. I had to do it, Piper. Don't you see that?"

I shook my head in disbelief. "No, he wasn't going to kill me. He said he loved me. He loved me Liam!"  Silence stood before us for what seemed like an eternity. I slowly sunk next to the door and cradled myself. 

"He did not love you. He was playing with your mind. How could he love you? He hurt you more than once. He almost killed you. People in love don't do that." I rolled my eyes and continued to focus on something else, anything else. "There was something wrong with Mason. If Lain warned me about him earlier none of this would have happened." 

"Who said I ever loved him back?" I asked. There was complete silence for a little while. Mason didn't love me. He wasn't the loving type. Liam could love anyone and everyone could love him. He was always the man I wanted Mason to be to me but it could never be. Unfortunately, it was harder for me to love Liam like everyone else could. 

"I thought you did. Ya'know based on how much you confided in him and stuff."

I sighed and began to reflect. "He gave up on me too fast. There wasn't much to love about him. If I did love him I would have to find reasons why I fell for a man like that. Do you think that I would enjoy a love like that?"

"No, you are smarter than that."

"I am not the type to wish death on people. No matter what they did to me. Not even Mason." 

"I never wished death on him."

"What did you do? You killed him. It does not matter what you would not have done."

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