Chapter 22

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Val and I walked through the mall carrying various bags with clothes. Val insisted that on this trip I was to have a bunch of extra clothes. Who knows how long I am going to be staying anyway.

"Let's go grab something to eat. I am starving over here." She said as we headed to the escalator.

"When are you not hungry?" I asked teasingly and she hit me on the arm. As we got to the food court I sat down and tiredly sat my bags down beside me. I sat in the red chair and Val left to some pizza place. I noticed we were sitting directly in the middle which was awkward.

"Excuse me." I heard a manly voice behind me. I turned around slowly and there was a face that I didn't recognize.

"Yeah?" I asked. He stepped around so I could actually see him. He was tall and he had shiny blond hair. His hazel eyes were gleaming as he looked at me.

"May I ask your name?" He said. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"I am sorry I have a boyfriend." I said calmly. He nodded in understanding.

"It's cool." He said and he awkwardly walked away. I pushed the hair away from my face. I let out a deep breath and I waited for Val to come back. I just watched the water dance in the fountain which was not so far from me.

"I'm back." Val sang as she placed the food on the table. I grabbed the slice of cheese pizza first and took a bite.

"Who was that guy?" Val asked.

"I don't know."

"He was kind of cute. Not date cute though."

"I agree." I said taking another bite.

"Where is Liam anyway? You two haven't been apart since last week."

"I think he's packing. I don't know." I said.

"Did you meet the rest of the band yet?" Val asked dipping a french fry in mustard. What could I expect from Val she is just so creative.

"I am meeting them today. I hope they like me because I am going to be with them for like a week I think. Maybe more." I said.

"What's your role in this anyway? The understudy?"

"No," I laughed. Understudy? "Understudy is in plays. I am just a fill in I guess. Like if one of the guys hurt themselves." Which is a most likely factor.

"Cool. Are you and Liam gonna do the nasty?" Val asked in a really low voice which made me laugh.

"Uh, no. Not to my knowledge. I have a purity ring." I grabbed the necklace and showed her the ring that dangled on it.

"Just thinking. Lain and I-"

"I don't need to hear the personal information. You two are such a good couple." I cooed and Val rolled her eyes. I stuck a french fry in my mouth and laughed.

"I am sure Liam is going to pull through with some crazy shit on this trip. Plus, I am going to be in the crowd cheering for you with Lain." She said.

"You are going?" I asked.

"Yeah, Mason and Lain are related. So, I am going to cheer for you and Mason can go to hell." She said casually.

"Thanks for the support." I said. She shrugged her shoulders and continued to dip her french fries into her mustard.


"I want you to be careful on this trip. Linda and I have already made the hotel reservations." She continued on through a long essay of things she wanted to say. I nodded at everything she was saying.

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