Chapter 16- Liam and Piper

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Flashback of the ending of Liam and Piper's Old Relationship


I heard rocks hitting my window. I looked up from my pillow and it stopped. I began to go back to sleep but it started again. I groaned and rolled out of bed and walked to my window. Liam waved at me but he wasn't smiling. I opened my window.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Can you down here for a second?" I looked around and the sun was barely hitting the horizon.

"In a sec." I said and I closed my window. I grabbed a jacket off my door and slipped into some flip flops. I crept through the hall not to wake my mom up. As I approached the stairs they were creaking louder than usual.

I opened the door and a cold breeze clung to my body harder each second. I slipped my jacket on and met Liam in my front yard.

"What are you doing here so early?" I asked wrapping my arms around my body trying to create some kind of alternate warmth.

"I have to talk to you about something."

"Do you want to come inside?" I asked.


"Okay. What's up?" I asked. He looked tired and then sad at the same time.

"I have to break up with you." He said lowly but bodily. I froze in my place.


"It's not working out. Ever since John died things haven't been the same." He said.

"It will never be the same." I said.

"This relationship has made a turn for the worst and I don't see us recovering from it."

"What are you talking about?"

"You have gotten so to yourself. You won't talk to me unless I talk to you. You are always in your house and I can't ever see you."

"That's because I almost lost my father this weekend. You know that. Why are you being so selfish?" I asked.

"You are the one who is being selfish."

"Is this because I wouldn't have sex with you? Is this what you are referring to?" I asked. He eyed strayed away from mine and I sighed deeply looking at the long puff of white air some out of my mouth.

"Yes! That is exactly what it's about." He said.

"I am not one of those easy whores you have been with before." I said.

"I know."

"You are pathetic."

"You just bore the hell out of me. I can't see why I even stay with you."

"I don't see why I even went out with you in the first place!" I yelled. My throat catching the cold air and instantly burning.

"I knew that Gina was going to be a better girlfriend than you anyway." Those words hurt more than anything that I heard in my life?

"Gina?" I asked lowly almost whispering.

"Yes. Gina."

"She's a whore."

"Your'e a bitch."

"Jerk." I punched him in the face and I stomped away from him and slammed the front door shut. I threw my jacket off my body and I ran up the steps to my room and flopped on my bed face down. I felt tears fall out of my eyes and screamed into my pillow.

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