Chapter 33

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I slid the dog tag that Liam gave me deep into my shirt. I entered the hospital and walked through the hospital and when I finally reached the third floor, wing 3. I knocked on the glass son the double doors opened with a long beep sound and I walked in.

I went to the front desk where the woman looked up from her paper work. She might have been surprised to see how disheveled I looked. "How may In help you?"

"I would like to admit myself here."

"Do you know what this is?"

"Yeah, I'm sure." I said without hesitation. She looked a little unsure about my decision. Or she was trying to decide if she should or not.

"Do you know exactly why you are admitting yourself?" She asked. There were many different reasons why I wanted to come here.

"My excuse is-"


9 am.

I sat in a chair in the kitchen and looked out the window at the muddy scene that was familiar from last night. Except it wasn't raining. The sun was shining a bit through the tree's and through the window.

I saw Liam walk in the door. He looked tired like he had lost sleep. He was in bed all night. He must have been up thinking because that was all I could do. Think in silence.

"Good morning."

"Hey, Sunshine." I could see had a forced smile on his face. I didn't blame him. We both were having a rough couple of days. Since everything happened nothing felt the same.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"Sitting in my car."


"Listening to the news." That caught my attention a little. I adjusted myself in the wooden kitchen chair and focused my attention on Liam. He was on edge.

"Why? What happened?"

"They are coming."

"What do you mean they are coming?" I asked.

"They found a location on us. They are coming for us. There is no where else we can go. It's all over." He said slumping in his chair with his bored but sad voice.

"Are you sure?"

"I know what they said on the news. If I drive the car they will track it. They already have a location and they are on the way. We don't have very long." I knew the end would be soon but not this soon. This is crazy.

"How long is very long?" 

"About two hours or even earlier than that." I pushed my hair off my face. He looked a little on edge which made me worry about him even more. I couldn't help but wonder what it feels like to be in his place.

"Anything I can do until then?" I asked standing up. He shrugged and he turned around and looked at me. He went in his pocket and gave me a white piece of paper that was folded up and tied with a brown string.

"You can open this up when you are on your way home." He said folded my hand around the note. He looked into my eyes and I could see how much pain he had in his eyes and I smiled a little. 

"I will." I said. He leaned in and he kissed me like it was going to be our last. Technically, it was our last one. It wasn't as awesome as I would have thought it would be. It just didn't feel right. At all. Maybe it was because of the circumstances. I might never know.

I could hear sirens. But, I wasn't exactly sure at first. Liam turned around and his hand and his grasp on me vanished into thin air. Just like our connection that we had before. Poof. Gone. He went to the window and for sure I was really hearing it.

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