Chapter 6

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I did it. I kissed her. I've wanted to do that since we met. I really did. She's beautiful. She's also my best friend. But I could never tell her I'm a lesbian. Jesse was just a cover up. I feel bad for that but it's whatever.

Now, I'm walking down the stairs with her, holding her hand. I don't know how she feel about this, but I'm sure it was well appreciated. Considering we're about to leave to go find her asshole for a father. She's been through so much pain. I just don't know how she handles it. All the idocracy. I wish I could take it all away. I guess I just hate seeing her hurt.

We reach the bottom of the stairs and I waited for her to let go of my hand, but she didn't. Tanya looked at our hands, but we hold hands all the time. It just means something different this time. Tanya turned away from our hands and said,"Are you two ready?" We both nodded simultaneously. I let go of her hand, lingering, and grabbed my bag. She walked over to the fridge and grabbed three bottles of water and the keys. We all headed towards the door. Tanya stopped,"I haven't packed yet!" We all kind of giggled and we said we'd be in the car.

Courtney unlocked it and we set our bags in the back. We both sat in the front and she turned in the radio. It was really loud, and we were both singing like idiots like we normally do when we're together. I turned it down and looked at her. She looked at me with same look as she did in her room. We leaned in and I gave her a quick peck. Even then my heart fluttered in my chest. "Yes," I said.


"You are the someone else I like." She smiled and leaned in for another kiss. "I like you a lot."

"I like you, too.'' I grabbed her hand and squeezed it tight. Tanya walked out. She sat in the back while Courtney drove. The radio had been turned up back to the usual high volume. I took my Ipod out and plugged the AUX chord in on both ends. I scrolled through my playlist and looked at the top song. Give Your Heart a Break by Demi Lovato blasted out. This is Courtney and mine's song. She looked over at me and smiled.


She kissed me. I liked it. I like her. I like her a lot. Why she hadn't told me sooner, I don't know. Maybe I would have reacted the same way. She makes me quit thinking about all the bad stuff. I like her.

The song was playing loudly coming to and end. A recording started to come on and it started out with,"Hey Courtney, your never gonna hear this,but..." Ramona turned it off before it could finish. She looked at me with poker face and I just smiled and turned my face to the road. She turned on Kiss the Girl and she blushed.

"What is going on with you two?" I heard Tanya say.

"What do you mean?" Ray asked.

"You're all... weird."

"You've never seen us alone!" we both said. I went back to driving and Tanya started to drift off. By this time it was getting dark. Ray started to close her eyes, leaning up against the window. She started to talk in her sleep. "Courtney, I love her..." she mumbled. Love? Wow. What does she mean? I don't even know. Do I love her too?

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