Chapter 13

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We were at the drive-in and I had my arm around Courtney. She was watching past the slight drizzle. I'm guessiong she likes Dracula. She was moving under me and I lifted up so she could get comfortable. She sat up and put her head on my shoulder while gripping my arm like a scared child. "Are you scared, Courtney? It's a movie from like ninteen o' Jesus."

"Well, I know that. I just... I didn't wanna let you go."


"Or... Maybe I'm scared," she said shyly.

"Come here." I pulled her towards me. She was basically sitting in my lap. "Better?"


"How much longer is this movie?"

"Just wait." I let out a grunt. She looked at me with serious eyes and I shut up. She smiled at me like I was making the right decision. I turned my head towards the movie screen and she was looking out the window. She looked sad. "My dad's here, Ray. Let's leave."

"Are you sure?"

"No. I really wanna watch this. But he's with his new wife. I can't see that."

"I'll move to a different spot."

"It's packed here."

"How about this? I take you back to the hotel and we order room service and get like three tubs of ice cream and get fat. I'll even see what scary movies they have to order. Sound good?"

"You're the best. I love you, stupid."

"I love you, too, jerk." She smiled and I said, "You're gonna have to get off of me though."

"Nope. Let's see how skilled you are."

"Challenge accepted." I started the car and pulled out. She sat on my lap as I drove. "This is actually pretty easy. It's a little hard to turn though." I pulled into the hotel parking lot and she still hadn't gotten off of me. I opened the door and bridal carried her to the lobby. I went to put her down and she held on tight. "Come on, baby!" 

"Fine," she sounded a little upset. I sighed and picked her back up and she smiled. 

"You're like a child."

"I know!" She smiled the biggest smile. I really made her happy. I just realized that.

We reached the room and she went and laid on the bed. I picked up the phone and dialed for room service.


She called room service and I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I honestly forgot that I had it. The screen read "New Message: Aaron". Damn it. Why? Why the hell does he have to ruin this almost perfect day? I slid my phone open and read the message. It said Call me. "Ray! Come here!" I shouted. She ran to me.

"What's wrong?"

"Aaron wants me to call him."

She hesitated. "Uh- Call him. I'll be right here."

"Okay." I dialed him and put it on speaker. 

"Hello?" he said.

"You wanted me to call you. What do you want?"

"Is Ramona your girlfriend?"


"What the hell? Are you gay?"

"So what if I am?"

"It's wrong."

"No, it's not. She's better than you. She took out on a real date today. A REAL date. Something you never did." I started getting angry. Ramona took the phone from me and started talking to him.

"Aaron?" she said. "Look dude, I'm not trying to start anything, okay? But I love this girl. I love her more than you ever did. It's hard not to love her. I let her cry in my arms over you, I took her out, I treated her right. You probably didn't get her anything for her birthday. By the way, when is her birthday?"

"March 9th?"

"That's yours. Her's is tomorrow. Dumb ass. Look, don't call my girlfriend ever again." She hung up on him.

"Shoot. My birthday is tomorrow, isn't it?" I asked, not remembering.

"Yup. I got you something."

"Really? What is it?"

"Do you wanna open it now?" she asked. I nodded eagerly. "Okay. Hold on." She walked into the bathroom and I heard a cabinet open then close. She walked out with a purple bag and a teddy bear. She handed me a bag and I pulled out the new Nikon and a bag of personalized M&M's. They all said I love you or something along those lines. One even had our picture on it. "I bought this when we were just friends. I was gonna tell you how I felt on your birthday, but I guess I don't need to now."

I couldn't speak. I was dumbfounded. She bought me the best camera and a bag of candy to tell me how she felt. I... I don't know.

"You don't like it, do you?" she asked.

"I love it. I just.. I-" I stood up and kissed her. I just didn't know how to think her. She's so freaking amazing. I never realized how happy she truely made me.

I heard the front door open and Tanya yelled, "Girls?"

"Yea, we're in here," I yelled back. She came in and I hugged her. "Tanya, I have to tell you something."

She looked over a Ramona. "You finally told her you loved her, didn't you?" she asked Ray.

"I told her a long time ago. But I just gave her her birthday present."

"You two are together, now, right?"

"Yes ma'am," Ramona said happily.

"Wait, she knew?" I asked Ray.

"She's the only one I've ever told. I love you, Courtney."

"I love you, too."

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