Chapter 9

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I was running. Running from someone. My dad. He looked older. He was in a white doctor's jacket. Tears streamed down my face. "Get back here, bitch!" he screamed after me. I was running faster than anything ever had before, it seemed like. I didn't know what was going on. I just ran, and ran. Then, I woke up in a pool of sweat. I jumped and Ramona looked at me and pulled me in closer. I had my head burried into her chest and she had both arms wrapped around me. I couldn't breathe. I looked up at her and she looked at me with angry yet sorrowful eyes.

"What happeneed?" she asked.

I couldn't speak. Words didn't come out of my mouth. I tried clearing my throat and a crack was in my voice. "Bad... Dream... Dad... Chased me...."

"I'm gonna go get you some water." I nodded and she let go of me. She came back with a bottle of water and I drank the whole thing. "Are you okay?" I shook my head. "Was it really that bad?" I nodded. "Baby, you gotta try to talk to me. I don't know what to do."

"My dad... I'm scared."

"I know. It's midnight. What do you wanna do?"

"Stay up with me?" I asked her. She smiled and we laid down looking at each other. Our fingers were laced together between us. I started to close my eyes and she scooted closer to me and out one arm around me. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"When I woke up, you looked angry. I didn't like it. What's wrong?"

She hesitated, "Nothing baby. I'll be okay. I was just thinking about stuff."

"Like what?" 

"I dunno. Just everything. You, us. That kind of stuff."

"Then how would that make you mad?" I started to worry.

"No no! It's not like that! I lo- like you too much. Didn't I tell you that?"

"I-" What was I gonna say? "I love you, too." I looked at her and she looked like she was ready to run around the whole place.

"Really?" I nodded and she moved back to the position of us laying together staring at each other. She held my hand and kissed me like it was the last kiss we ever shared. I was so happy at that moment. Nothing was wrong. I never felt like this with Aaron. Ever. But with Ray... It's like a whole different story. Love did exist and it was right here in this room with us.

"I love you, Ramona. So, so much." Now, I couldn't help but to say it. I love her.

"I love you too. I always have. I always will."


"I promise."


She... She said she loved me. But my question was, Did she mean it? I can't doubt this right now. Not with everything going on. I didn't wanna bring myself down. Her beautiful voice broke my thoughts. "Maybe we should go to bed. We've got a big day tomorrow."

"I'll go to sleep as soon as you do."

"All right. I love you."

"I love you more." I kissed her forehead and she looked at me like I was stupid. So I bent my head down and kissed her passionately. We stopped and she closed her eyes. Before she fell asleep, she said,"I love you so much." Now I know she loves me. She left me awake to think. I couldn't get back to sleep. Her dad... I have to see him tomorrow. I'm not gonna like this. Not one bit. I've never really liked him in the first place.


"Courtney! Ramona! Time to come in!" Carol yelled.

"Okay mom!" Courtney yelled back.

We were fourteen and we didn't care about anything. It was all about the sun and the beach. For Courtney, it was all about boys. For me, it was more about cover up boyfriends that didn't know they were cover ups. Courtney and I were together every day that summer. We went to the mall, the beach, and everywhere else. We were inseperable. If you can't already tell.

Courtney and I walked into her house and she went up to her room and I went into the kitchen with her mom and dad. Carol was ordering pizzas and Nick was on the phone with his boss. Carol had left the room and Nick had got of of the phone. He threw his phone on the counter and ran his hand through his hair. "What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing. My boss is a dick. I mean.. Uh... Forget it. He's a dick." He laughed it off. I could tell that he'd had a few drinks. He walked over to the fridge and grabbed a beer. "Want one?" 

"I'm fourteen."

"Right, right." He started to get closer to me and I started to panic. What was he doing? He started to lean towards me. I put my hands up and tried to push him away. He moved my hands and kissed me. I looked at him and got passed him and ran up to Courtney's room. I didn't tell her what happened. I couldn't. 

*End of flash back*

Courtney stirred in my arms. Another bad dream. I grabbed her face and she started to wake up. I pressed my lips to hers and she kissed back. "Another bad dream," she said.

"I know."

"Why are you still awake?" she asked. sounding upset.

"I was thinking about stuff, baby. Just go to bed." I could tell she was to tired to argue so she just closed her eyes and went back to bed. I was restless so I stood up and walked straight into the bathroom and took a shower. 

I let the water hit my back repeatedly. I stood there. That's all I could do. I didn't know what to do, or think. So I stood. I finally came to my senses and got out of the shower. Dressed with wet hair, I went and laid next to my girlfriend. Man, I love saying that.

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