Chapter 18

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Wow. I've never experienced anything like that. Now, we lay here, bare. I looked at her soundless sleeping face and smiled. I don't know what I was thinking when I said I wanted to go back to Aaron. She could make me feel like no one else could. In MANY different ways. Aaron could go die. I don't even care anymore.

She stirred awake and smiled. She looked at me. I smiled at her and kissed her. I smelled coffee. Tanya knocked on the door and said, "Wake up! I got coffee." We looked at the door and at each other. We got dressed and ran down the stairs in a race. I got my ass kicked. Ray grabbed a cup and drank it slowly. I could tell that she was thinking about something. She had a huge smile on her face, but she was staring at the lid of her coffee, playing with it.

I grabbed a cup and went and sat next to her. I put my hand on her leg and she grabbed it and smiled at me. She squeezed it lightly. She's so freaking amazing. We looked at each other and started to go in for a kiss and Tanya cleared her throat. "Sorry, Tanya," Ray said. "We forgot you were here."

"Yep." She smiled at us. "Thanks." She stuck her tongue out at us. We laughed it off. I still couldn't believe that after all of this, we were all still smiling. It was a miracle. Ray and I drank our coffee while Tanya went on about something about Rick. I wanted to listen, but I was thinking about Ray. She just... I don't even know. I love her. Aaron was a jerk. I don't know why I was even with him. 

"Ray, how did  we meet?" I asked abruptly. Tanya looked at me. "Sorry, Tanya."

"Um... We were like four and...


"Gimme that!" I screamed at a little boy that took my Ken doll away from me. He stuck his tongue out and kicked dirt in my face. I sat there crying and then I seen a girl take the doll out of his hand and push him down. 

"Here." She handed me the doll and said, "I'm Ramona."

"Ra- Ra-" I couldn't say it. "Can I call you Ray?"


"Where did you come from?"

"I was walking around with my parents and saw that. You still have dirt on your face." She took off her button up shirt (she had a shirt on under it) and wiped my face off. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. Thanks." 

*End of Flashback*

"... then we were with each other everyday after that."

"Even then you were protective. Yes!"

"Of course."

"I have the best girlfriend/best friend in the world. Tanya turn away." I kissed her quickly. Tanya turned back around and said that she was leaving for a couple of weeks. 

"Are you two going to be okay by yourselves?" she asked.

We looked at each other and said, "Yes!"

"I'm leaving $100. Good enough?"

"Three hundred."

"Fine." She went to hand it to me and then stopped and handed it to Ray. I gave her a look of shock and she said, " She's more responsible." I shrugged and agreed. 

Ramona and I went back up stairs. Tanya went where ever. I flipped on the TV and saw that we were getting severe thunderstorm warnings. The sky darkened on cue. Rolls of thunder shook the walls. Rain patted the window. Ray was sprawled out next to me, her eyes barely fighting to stay open. I turned off the TV and went to my window and opened the curtains to see a very puddled street and flashes of lightning. A knot grew in my stomach.

I heard the bed creak and then felt arms around me. Ray held my waist and rested her head on my shoulder. "I think you got me pregnant," she said with a giggle. I spun around to face her. She still held me and I put my arms around her shoulders. Thunder cracked the sky and I jumped. I've always been afraid of storms. She held me tighter and said, "I love you." Then, she kissed my nose. I hugged her and the thunder was loud again and I held her tighter that a child with it's mother.

Still holding me, she dragged me towards the bed and gently threw me on it. She jumped on top of me and kissed me. "I love you," I said, kind of breathless. "When am I leaving?"

"I have it all set up, so whenever."

"Can I go today?"

"Yea, if you want. I mean, Tanya left the car."

"Let's pack me up then." I started to get up and Ray grabbed my hand, stood up, and hugged me. I hugged her back. I started to cry.

"Don't cry," she whispered. She stroked my back and I sobbed. "I love you." She pulled away and grabbed my face. "I'm doing this for you, baby."

"I know, I love you, too. I'm just so stupid. I should have never done this."

"I agree, but you're not stupid."

"I wish I didn't do this. I feel terrible."

"I know. Let's just do this. I can't... I just can't."

"It's okay, baby." We went on with packing and we finished. I set my suitcase by the door downstairs. I handed my phone to Ray and she set it down on the counter. "I don't love you any less for this. I love you more."

"I love you, too. I love you so much." We kissed and went out the door. We got in the car, and drove slowly to the hospital.


What the hell am I doing? She's leaving me for two weeks. I have to. NO, she has to. She is willing. So I guess this would be the best time to do it. She sat silently on the other side of the car, staring out the window. The hospital was right in front of us now. She looked at me and I kept a straight stare ahead of me. I knew that if I looked at her, I'd turn around and take her home.

I parked the car. We walked in the front and went to the front desk. I registered her and they put a wrist band around her wrist. They were ready for her. They let me walk her up to the floor she was gonna be on. They took her things to her room. They left us alone. She stared at me until she cried. We were both crying. I took her by the hand and brought her towards me. "I'll be back to get you, soon. They won't let me visit you for a week."


"You need to get better. Without me."

"That's not how it goes. I get better with you." I gave her a reassuring look. "I love you, Ray."

"You don't know how much I love you."

"You have to go now, sweetie," a nurse said. I nodded and looked at Courtney. I kissed her and she gripped my shirt. She didn't want me to leave and I didn't want to leave her here. It's too late now. I let go of her and she kissed me again. I hugged her and turned to walk out. I told her I loved her before I left. I heard her say it back faintly.

I left the hospital and got in the car. I drove home in silence. 

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