Chapter 1

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‘Jai are you here?’ a voice called out from downstairs.

‘Coming! Who is it?’ I responded yelling back.
Racing down the stairs I peeked through the peep hole in the door and was met with an eye staring straight into mine. Opening the door I was met with the biggest hug of my entire life. Pulling away I saw the beaming face of my brother who I hadn’t seen in 3 years because he went to California for college. My brother was taller than me by about 5 inches, although I am quite short, with short blonde hair and bluey-green eyes that reminded me of the swampy water that you get in ponds. Not good but not bad.

‘Mikey! You’re back, how is college? Did you miss me? Have you brought me back anything nice? How long are you staying? Where’s your-‘
‘Calm down Jai, I’m home for Christmas so you’ve got plenty of time to ask me questions.’ He smiled down at me.

Stepping into the house, he put his bags down before being followed in by another person. This person was easily a whole foot taller than me with a tanned face and chocolate brown hair and the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. They were the colour of moss but in a good way, the green pools reflected the light of the snow outside perfectly.

‘Hey Jai.’ The person said calmly, smiling confidently.
How does he know my name?

‘Uhmm…Hi.’ I say back looking at the ground.

‘What’s the matter Jai? Don’t you remember my good friend Nathaniel?’ Mikey joked before dragging me into the kitchen to make him something to eat.
What? Nate is back? I haven’t seen him for at least 8 years. Him and Mikey used to be so close and then he suddenly just stopped. Stopped coming round. Mikey stopped speaking about it. It was almost as if he just up and disappeared.

In the kitchen I start making a sandwich for Mikey since its a long way from California to Minnesota and it must have been a long journey. Without turning towards the hallway, I shout ‘Nathan, do you want one?’ and from right next to my ear I hear ‘Yes please.’

Jumping, I hit Nathan on the shoulder for scaring me and go back to making the sandwiches.
‘Without being rude Nathan, why are you here?’ I ask him as I continue buttering the bread, not looking at him.

‘Turns out me and Mike are in the same English Literature class at college.’ He replied, slightly smiling.
‘YOU take literature?’ I asked disbelieving.
‘Yeah actually, he’s smarter than you think he is.’ Mikey says.
‘Oh really?’ I ask, suspicious, he nods ‘then what’s my favourite food?’
‘Mac and cheese’ he answers without missing a beat. Astonished, I look at him surprised.
‘How do you know that?’
‘That’s what you always used to get Mike to make you when we were younger.’ Nathan says smirking.
‘oh.’ I finish making their ham and cheese sandwiches and go to sit on the couches. The other two follow me in and sit on the opposite side of the coffee table. Its silent for a while before I decide to ask the question that’s been bugging me since Nathan got here.
‘So where did you go so suddenly?’
The room returns to the silence and Mikey and Nathan exchange a few glances before Mikey answers me. ‘Nate’s parents moved to California for work so he’s gonna be staying here over Christmas break.’
‘Oh okay, is it nice there?’ I ask, trying to break the obvious tension in the room.
‘Yeah, it’s definitely warmer than up here,’ he laughs awkwardly ‘There are a lot of hot chicks in Cali.’
‘Oh… That must be…Nice?’ I respond unsure.
‘Oh Jai, are you doing anything tomorrow evening?’ Mikey asks.
‘Not that I can think of, why?’
‘I was gonna have Alicia over for Christmas dinner with us, you can invite a friend if you want, Nate’s gonna be there too.’
‘Okay sure, what time should they get here?’
‘I don’t know, about 5:30.’
‘Okay.’ I shift uncomfortably, ‘I’m gonna go up to my room and get some homework done, otherwise Mrs. Angus will go nuts.’
‘Okay JJ, ah Nate do you remember Mrs. Angus, she was such a b…………………’ And their voices drifted away as I ascended up the stairs.

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