Part 1

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You were sitting in your room when you heard a voice. It sounded sort of familiar.
"Good evening Ma'am, I would like to adopt a child, please."
Why does that sound like All Might?
You got off of your bed and crept over to your door. Ear pressed up against it so you could hear better.

"And what age and gender would you like to adopt" The service lady asks
"A female, 16 years old" He replies
"Well your in luck we only have one female child that's 16" says the lady

Your eyes went wide and you backed away from the door, you couldn't believe it you were being adopted! You had been stuck in this for forsaken orphanage for years! your heart started beating faster your mind rushed with thoughts, but the though that stood out the most, who were you getting adopted by?
Your mind shunned out the possibility that it could be All Might, because, why the hell would All Might need a child?

"This way Sir"
You could hear faint footsteps coming directly for your room.
Your eyes widened and your heart rate increased dramatically.
You lifted your head from the door and skidded backwards.
What the hell! Do something!
Fold clothes? No! You have no clothes to fold!
"Uuuuuuhhhh" your eyes darted the room. "UuHHHh"
A sudden knock made you jump.

"Miss Y/N?" She pauses "Could you open the door?"
"Uh, yea! Be right there!"
You jump to your feet and run to the mirror to make sure you look presentable.
"Miss Y/N, are you alright?"
You don't answer, instead you curse under your breath and run to the door.
You place you're hand on the handle and start to turn.

"Why hello, Miss Y/N!" Her smile grew "we have someone who would like to adopt you!"
You look up and see All Might standing in your door way.
"You- you're. I- um" you vision fades "holy shit"
Your knees give out and the las thing you saw was black.

~Le time skip~

Your eyes slowly open, the first thing you noticed was the very soft silky sheets you were wrapped in.

"The hell?"
You brought your hand to your head, you were burning up.
You took a moment to look around the room. It looked very pretty, the walls were a nice shade of purple. Your sheets were a baby blue, same with the pillows.
"Wow" a sudden realisation hits you "where the fuck am I?!"

Your door opens and you scream.
"Don't hurt me! I swear I didn't eat the last can of baked beans!"
"What are you talking about Y/N?"
You slowly open your eyes and look at the door way, a familiar face greets your vision.

You jump out of bed and run over to him. "is that really you!?"
You poke his cheek, your eyes widen drastically.
"IZUKU!" You tackle hug him and start crying. "I missed you! Don't you dare leave me again!"
He just laughs and pats your back.

"You're the one that left me, but I'll let you have your moment"

Ok! First chapter has been re-written!!
Once I'm done this will be like a whole new story! I hope you guys enjoyed this new and improved chapter!

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