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You slowly rose out of bed and walked over to your dresser one of the draws were partially open so you figured that the uniform was inside there, you open the draw and find your uniform you unfolded it and held it in the air....the skirt was a bit short for your taste but who cares it's an awesome school and everyone should be really well behaved.

-le time skip-

You looked in the bathroom mirror at your freshly washed hair and decided to just leave it down (you don't have to you can change any details you want) the uniform actually looked pretty cute on you. You started to silently wonder if Izuku would think you look cute.

"bad idea brain! Stop thinking about him!"

"stop thinking about who??" A deep voice questioned

"HOLY SHIT BALLS!" you screamed and fell backwards into the shower curtain. You looked up to see a small might standing in your doorway trying to contain a laugh meanwhile you just sit awkwardly in the tub tangled in a curtain with an annoyed expression a piece of hair was covering your slightly red face.

"are you alright young Y/N?"he said through a stifled laugh

"I'm fine"you replied like an annoyed five year old. Tiny might walked over and offered a hand you obviously accepted the help and was once again stood up, now your hair was a mess again which you huffed at.

You once again finished brushing your black and blue hair (once again feel free to change any detail you don't want) once it was brushed you met tiny might in the car and started to head off to school. As you grew nearer your heart rate increased and you started to panic a little bit tiny might noticed this and put a bony hand you you shoulder a flashed you a warm smile.

"there is no need to be scared young one. Besides you have Midoriya to keep you company"

"yea I guess so"you smiled back at him

before you knew it you were standing at the school gates with All Might. Obviously he had to go do teacher stuff and you were left to stand there by yourself, you were about to run home until you saw the familiar green hair you love acting on instinct you started to sprint towards him and tackle the boy Into he tightest hug possible when you did this you heard a slight gasp come from Izuku you were expecting to hit the ground but you instead felt felt a hand on your back and felt no impact with the ground. You guys were floating in the air for a few second until Izukus feet were planted safely with your legs and arms still wrapped around the boy.

"I hope you don't mind that I did that"a girl with short brown hair and roses cheeks stated

Ok, I think I'm done with edits for tonight. Not many more changes will be happening, the story line is barely gonna be changed at all from this point onward.

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