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Your cheeks were still wet from the tears and so was your pillow, annoyingly, so you just decided to turn it over and hope it would be dry in the morning. You were still pretty upset that you didn't tell Izuku but you didn't think it would be the right time, you did only just see him again after who knows how many years? you kinda lost count after after a while. But what matters most is that you have now been reunited with the one and only Izuku Midoriya! Just the thought of being back with him brought a smile to your face.
Whenever you're near him you feel as if nothing could ever harm you, you were safe from everything and absolutely nothing was impossible.
You were now in a good mood again and ended up drifting into sweet slumber. However your sleep was soon interrupted by a little tapping sound your eyes open slightly, you sit up trying to locate that stupid noise that dared to disturb your peaceful sleep.......ok well it wasn't that peaceful because your body was now somehow laying horizontally across your bed with one leg stretched off to the side your face was covered by your arm a little puddle of drool was forming on your bed.......but that is besides the point! Your eyes finally land on what was causing the noise. It was Izuku....tapping on your..window?? What the flying fuck is he doing tapping on my window at, you look at your alarm clock on the bedside table, at 3:15 in the flipping morning! What if it's an emergency?? Is he in trouble??? Your quickly slid yourself off the bed and fell onto the floor with a thud but you got up and unlocked the window anyway.

"what the he'll are you doing h-"
You saw his face was red and his eyes were puffy his hair was an absolute mess and his clothes were torn. You pulled him into your room, turned on the light and sat him down onto your bed.

"what the flying French toast on a fish happened to you!? Are you alright did someone else do this?? Where did they go?! I'm prepared to run at them Butt naked with my body lathered with custard a horse head on and a fucking samurai sword!"

Before you could say anything else Izuku interrupted you by pulling you into a tight hug, you obviously hugged back but with slight delay because of the shock and confusion. You heard a sniffle and a slight giggle comin from the green boy. After a few minutes he let you go and looked you in the eyes with a slight smile.

~you always did know how to make me feel better Y/N I guess you still have that charm~
He giggle once more this time with a bigger smile.

~I'm actually not sure what happened I think I was having a nightmare and I didn't realise that I had woken up and I thought I was still being chased by the thing and I ended up here~

He looked like he was trying to figure out if anything he had just said made any sense.
As if planned hisphone started to ring and His mums number popped up on screen along with a picture of her and little Izuku dancing together. He handed you the phone, you saw a pleading look on his face and took the phone from his hands you pressed the green button.

~Where are you?! Why are you not here?! I swear my heart can't handle this!~

~Inko? This is Y/N you may not remember me but Izuku is here with me right now he had a terrible nightmare and didn't want to wake you, he didn't know what else to do so he came to me~

There was a moment of silence before you heard another sniff, you looked at the green haired boy but he was off in his own world then you realised it was coming from the phone. You were about to say something until Inko beat you to it.

~Y/N darling....y-your safe? Your here, your back!?~

~yea I'm back!, All might adopted me from an orphanage that's like a four hour drive from here. I don't remember much about you though but I can assure you that Izuku is safe here with me and everything will be fine, and I was wondering if it was possible that He stayed here for the night possibly??~

You heard a a gentle gasp come from Izuku as his head turned to face you, his eyes were wide and his cheeks were flushed a deep shade of red.

~Y/N darling you sound so grown up, and y-yes of course he can stay as long as he wants to I know you will be able to keep him safe. I must head off to bed now my little old heart has had enough for the night tell Izuku I love him and have a goodnight~

~I definitely will, goodnight Inko sleep well!~

And with that the phone call ended. You turned towards Izuku to find him hiding his face your tilted your head in a confused manner and asked if he was alright he replied with a simple I'm fine but instead of those two words being pronounced they sorta came out in a really mumbled and dismantled mess of language. You giggle and get up to turn the light off obviously the lamp is still on because you're not really fond of the dark that much. You then proceed to get a pillow and pull a blanket out of a little cupboard against your wall.

~what are you doing Y/N?~
~going to bed what's it look like I'm doing?~ you replied

Izuku shook his head then picked you up bridal style and lowered you gently onto the mattress.
After your mind was mushed into liquid because of how close he was and the fact that HE WAS PRACTICALLY ON TOP IF YOU! He layed on the floor and slowly closed his eyes,

~oh hell naaaaaw~ you whispered to yourself

You used your hands to hoist yourself off the bed and go down to pick up the sleeping broccoli he was surprisingly light for his muscular bui....I'm not ganna finish that thought because if I do I may drop him.
Izukus eyes met yours as you walked over to the bed his face was really red, it was amusing that you made him blush so much, when you lay him down he grabbed your wrist before you could walk to the floor (I don't care if that doesn't make sense XD) he then gently pulled your arm and you ended up falling to next to him before our brain could process what the flying fuck just happened he slid his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him.

~now we both win~ he whispered softly into your ear

Ok, not many changes were made to this chapter. Because I didn't do terrible when I first wrote it XD

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