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You pull away from the hug and look him in the eyes. You start to tear up again.

"What do you mean by that?" You ask through sobs. He wiped his face and sat down on your bed and started to explain.

"When you were young, seven years to be exact, your father started acting abnormally. He would lash out and hurt you and your brother. He would get angry over the slightest things, he started laughing at nothing and this is when we discovered a new quirk that he hadn't told us about. Demon possession. Basically he had a different identity, an alter ego if you prefer. It was never heard of at that point in time so no one knew how to stop him. But we did know one thing; it was spreadable, we learned that through your mother." He paused to make sure you were processing what he had been saying " your father bit her. At first we thought it was completely harmless, until three days later when she started to have the same effects. Her body wasn't strong enough to take on that much power...." a tear escaped his eye "I tried to stop you from seeing her die but I didn't make it in time I-I'm so sorry! And n-now your b-brother is-" he couldn't finish his sentence

You pulled him in for another hug, you knew what he was going to say you remember it perfectly. After your mother died your father took your brother away from you. You have no idea where either of them are now. And frankly you were terrified.

The two of you had pulled away from the hug, and you smiled at Uncle Toshi, he smiled back.

"On a lighter note, I bought a butt load of milk. And I also got some Ice cream." He stood up and asked if you wanted some, you nodded and started to walk out the room with him. You were watching the movie Liar Liar and it was hilarious, you almost choked on your ice cream a couple of times.

The movie had ended and Toshi got  up and  took the dishes to the kitchen. I need to tell him. When he returned from the kitchen you asked if you could tell him something.

You pulled back your hair to reveal the side of your neck. There was a bite mark that your father had left before he bit you mother.

"I know, Thankyou for telling me." He smiled at you and handed you a bracelet "This will help"

"Germanium??" You look at him questionably

"I'm not sure why, but it makes the other you weaker" he replied "we don't want a repeat of what happened with your father. So please don't take it off."

You nod.

~The next day at school~

You had finished the surprise test caterpillar had given the class. You didn't do too bad. A note was pushed into your desk, it was from bakugou. It says

You okay fucklips?

You giggle and write back

I'm fine dipshit, since when do you care about me!

I'm putting B in front of the ones that bakugou is writing

B~ meet me on the roof after class

Hell no! You're gonna push me off the roof!

B~ I wasn't but that's a good idea


B~ bitch

Fuck knuckle

B~ watch your profanity


B~ just meet me


You were extremely nervous now, but you were genuinely curious.

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