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I'd like to point out again that everything is most likely not going to be the exact same as it is in the anime, so I'm going to change it up a bit and everything will be all over the place. I hope you guys are okay with that -3-

The movie has finished and you were pretty sure you shit yourself, not literally of course, but holy damn that was terrifying. You were about to get up but the grip Izuku had around your waist tightened so you look up to ask if he would like a drink. But when you did his eyes were closed and he was slightly drooling.

"God you're cute" you whisper under your breath

You decided that you didn't need a drink and instead lay your head back down in his shoulder and drift off to sleep.

~All Might POV~

"ANOTHER DAY OF BEING A GOOD ROLE MODEL" I shout when I exit the school

"All Might, I need to speak with you"

I turn around and see Aizawa standing near the school gate awaiting for me to follow him. Of course I do, he's kinda scary when he gets angry, so I don't want to annoy him.

We head to his office and both sit down. I change into my normal form and spin around in the chair a couple times.

"So Shouta, what do you want to talk about??"

"First of all stop spinning in the chair. Second when do you plan on telling her?? You can't keep it a secret forever."

Aizawa leans back in his chair and rubs his forehead

"I know I have to tell her at some point or another. But I'm afraid I don't know much yet, the only way to learn more is if she tells me herself" I reply

Aizawa just looks and me and sighs.

"Let's just hope it turns out okay. I'd hate to see her upset with you."

I smile at Aizawa and lift myself up from the chair.

"It was nice f you to worry but I do need to get back"

Aizawa nods and and smiles back at me. I exit the room and make it halfway to the stairs before I remember I forgot to ask Aizawa soemthing, so I make my way back to his office. I open the door and hear him quietly laughing to himself, I open the door a bit more until I could completely see inside the room. What was happening before me was enough to make a rock burst into laughter.







I let out a snort while trying to contain my laughter. Thai scared the shit outta him and he almost fell off the chair. He regained his composure and looked at me with a blank expression before asking me what I wanted.

"Nothing. I'll let you get back to your.......spin fest"

I was laughing the entire way back home. When I pulled in the driveway I heard shouting. Obviously I rushed to the front door.


I leaned my ear closer to the door and heard giggling. THATS RIGHT I NEED MILK.
I got back in the car and went to the store to get some milk, instead of being a normal person and just getting milk. I came out that shop with packets of chips, doughnuts, strawberry milk, chocolate milk and banana milk. Who needs normal milk?! NORMAL MILK IS FOR THE WEAKLINGS.

I head back home and open the door, I was greeted by the sight of Y/N and young Midoriya sleeping in the couch. My mind was rushing my hands clenched a lump in my throat was now forming. So I did what any not normal uncle would do..................I took photos and sent them to Present Mic and Aizawa. Can you blame me?? They're adorable! After my struggle of trying not to squeal after seeing that adorable sight I headed to the kitchen to put everything away. I then headed to my room and chatted with Mic and Aizawa about how cute they would be together. Obviously Aizawa didn't really join in on the conversation too much, it's was mainly Mic and I talking about how they are perfect for each other.

~Your POV~

I woke up due to the fact that Izuku was moving and his breathing became abnormal. I sat up to find that his lips were pursed and his eyebrows were raised slightly. I flick him on the head causing him to freak out and start blabbering nonsense. I just laughed a bit.

"So.....who were you kissing in your dream??" I asked with a smirk

"WHAT?! No one I wasn't kissin anyone, I can't believe you would thing that I would kiss anyone other than yo-"
Other than who??
I brushed off what he was about to say and just laughed at his actions.

"Want a drink??" I ask while getting off the couch

"I'll come with you" he replied

"Doesn't answer my question but okay" I chuckle.

We made it to the kitchen and realise that it was stocked. I open the fridge and see that all there was was milk.........basically just milk with a few essentials for cooking spaghetti, but other than that all there was, was milk.

"Is All Might drunk??" Izuku asks. You just look at him and shrug your shoulders before closing the fridge. You sit down in the counter because Izuku said that he'll make bacon and eggs, you've never really been the best at making bacon and eggs so Izuku offered. You heard a slight giggle coming from the hallway so you turn your head to see all Might poking his phone around the corner.
You walk up to the corner and quickly jump around it while yelling. All Might threw his phone across the room and jumped back.

"Hello there Y/N I wasn't expecting you to be down here" he says as he clears his throat.

I hope this chapter was long enough. I would've made it longer but I was kinda running out of creativity XD I think this is the longest chapter I've written so far. I should write more like this. Anyway I hope you enjoyed, the next chapter should be out soon.

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