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"Holy shit" Toshi whispers

"Hi" you say nervously.

Toshi brings you in for a hug and doesn't let you go for a couple of minutes. You hug back tighter.
You pull away and and look at the ground not really knowing what to say.

"You've been gone for three weeks, everyone has been so worried. How on earth did you survive!?"

"I don't really remember anything. I know that I hit a rock when I tried to stop Izukus attack. But other than that I don't remember anything." You reply looking up

"Come in, its freezing out here"

You step inside to find Izuku on the couch asleep. You smile and make your way over to him. You take a blanket from the other side of the couch and place it over his body. He snores and rolls over. You giggle.

"Time to head off to bed Y/N, it's getting late" Toshi says

You nod and walk to the car with him. Once your home you jump straight into bed.

Next day at school

"Wait up Y/N!"

You turn around to be met with broccoli boy running towards you. You stop and wait for him to catch up.

"I need to talk to you quickly." He says
You turn your body towards him and wait for him to start speaking "I don't think it's a good idea to be in a relationship with you. You're getting in the way of my training. And besides, I think I'm starting to like Uraraka."

You grit your teeth.
"I'm getting in the way of training. Yea no it's fine! I see how it is! You just decided to mess with my feelings and now I feel like a piece of shit, you know what. Fuck you! Go fuck yourself! And go have fun with uraraka. I almost died trying to protect you from getting killed by Bakugou, and what do I get in return? Getting told I'm getting in the way of training. how the fuck was I getting in the way of training! I WAS GONE FOR THREE WEEKS, I WAS ON THE VERGE OF DEATH AND THIS IS THE GREETING I GET?!. I thought we were friends Izuku".

"Well if you're going to be such a bitch about it. Maybe you should have died! God! All you do is make everything so complicated!"

You stare at him with tears threatening to spill. Before you could say something back you notice Toshi was near by and listening to your conversation. He approached and gave Izuku the biggest death glare

""Izuku, go to class now" Toshi bellowed.

"Yo! All Might what's going on!" A certain electric boy asks. He looks at your rear stained face and gets immediately worried.
"What the hell happened" he asks

"Please take care of young Y/N, I need to talk to someone."

Denki nods and walks closer to you. Your head was tilted toward the ground a few tears escaped and landed on the concrete.

"Follow me"

You look up and nod.

The two of you were now sitting on the roof. You got permission from Nezu to skip classes. Today's classes weren't very important anyway. Both of your legs dangled over the buildings edge as you and Denki sat in comfortable silence.

Denki stood up and started playing music. It was your favorite song. (Just for now your favorite song is going to be Hey look Ma, I made it. By Disturbance at the dancing Place)
You look up and giggle at him. He extends his hand and you take it.

The two of you danced around, the lunch bell went and you weren't aware that Toshi was standing at the entrance to the roof watching two idiots dance to Meghan Trainor.

The song ends and he starts to talk.

"The two of you are weirdos" he laughs

"Young Kaminari, has Y/N informed you of why she was crying this morning??"

Denki nods his head yes.

"I've talked to Izuku and called his mother. And she's not particularly happy with him at the moment, and neither am I."

You mood instantly gets worse and you fall silent.

"Sorry for ruining the mood, here" he starts to play another song and all three of you danced like idiots until school ended.

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