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Your eyes slowly opened, and you tried to focus on your surroundings. Your Vision was blurry which made things a lot more difficult to see. All you could make out Clearly was a lot of white things. You tried to move your arm so you could run your eyes, but as soon as you did a shooting pain shot all throughout your arm. You hissed at the sudden discomfort. By now your eyes had almost fully adjusted and you could see where you were, you're in a hospital.
You heard mumbling coming from the other side of the door, a couple seconds later Denki and Toshi entered the room when they turned around to see you were awake Toshi dropped his coffee cup and immediately ran to give you a hug, Denki followed after.
They both kept mumbling stuff like 'Thank god 'and 'holy shit you're okay.'
The hugging session was over and you asked how long you had been out.
"Three days" both of them replied
You just chuckle.
"I swear, my life is becoming a fan fiction"
"What do you mean by that Y/N??" Denki asks
"You know how basically most fan fics start with everything going great, then something bad happens to the main character, their love life gets screwed u-" you cut your sentence short and nervously chuckle
"I-I mean n-not like I would know anything a-about that, I-it's not like I read fan fiction I dotn know what you're talking about"
Denki laughs and Toshi looks really confused.
"What's fan fiction??" He asks
Both you and Denki look at each other and start laughing.
"Oh! That reminds me Y/N you have some other visitors coming in soon, they want to speak to you alone so we'll be heading off now." Denki smiles and starts heading for the doors "I'll see you at school tomorrow"
Toshi follows behind after giving you another hug and saying his goodbyes.

~ time skip brought to you by the pizza I ate earlier"

You were laying down on the hospital bed waiting for your other visitors, you were about to doze off before you were jolted awake but the door opening very suddenly. It was Uraraka.
"Hey Uraraka, how are you??"
She didn't reply, instead she walked slowly over to you and punched you square in the jaw. Obviously you were stunned and completely surprised.
"What the hell was that for!" You ask angrily
"I think we both know what that was for"
She then jumped onto your bed and started throwing repeated punches directly towards your face.
You squealed and quickly rolled off your bed to try and get away. You would've have stood up and ran in that situation, if it weren't for your broken leg.
~I fell off a Ferris wheel, I'm surprised I didn't take more damage~
Just a reminder these squiggly lines ~
Means it's your thoughts.
Thankfully bakugou entered the room just in time to stop uraraka from throwing another punch.

Everything was good now, you were back on your bed and resting nicely. Uraraka has been taken out of the hospital room by a security guard and is now off site.
Bakugou looked incredibly distressed and the aura in the room wasn't very pleasant.
"Thank you" you said quietly.
Your throat really hurt as Uraraka had managed to hit you in the neck a couple of times.
"Don't Thank me" Bakugou replies
"But you basically saved me, of course I need to thank you"
Bakugou looked up and your eyes locked with his, his eyes were glossy and starting to go a bit red.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know she would go that far, she said that she's call the deal off if it didn't work out"
He kinda started to trail off and his words weren't really making any sense.
"Alright, calm down, take deep breaths and start from the beginning" you say as you scoot closer to him.
He does as you say and begins to speak.

Wooooo! Another chapter! I hope you enjoyed, and sorry for not updating much ;-;

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