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I hug her back tighter. Atsuto made his way over to Y/N with a worried look in his eyes, I pull away from the hug.

"Y/N there is someone else here that missed you"

She lifts her head and turns in to Atsuto. She just stares at him for a few moments before lunging and knocking him to the ground. She lifted up her hand and black mist started to form around it, she bought her fist down at full force toward his face. I teleported and grabbed her hand before it could make contact. I pulled her off of Atsuto and made her look at me.

"Listen Y/N I know you're there, please don't let it take control" I put my hands on her shoulders and made sure she was looking me in the eye.

"I know he's the biggest jerk on the entire planet earth but listen, I have figured out a way to bring her back." I say

Y/N still wasn't fully in control yet and tried to escape from my grasp.

"I know how to bring her back Y/N! I can bring mom back! Are you listening to me, I can bring mom back!!" I start to choke up half way through the sentence. Y/N eyes start to turn back to normal when I said that. She pulls me in for a hug.

"It's true Y/N he knows how to bring her back, and from the bottom of my heart I am truely sorry" Atsuto stands up and brushes off his shirt "I know that you will never forgive me, and I know I have been a shitty father, I don't blame you if you don't forgive me. But all I ask is that you please trust me, just for a little bit. Once Your mother is alive again you can go back to hating me." He was about to say more but he started to cry.

~Your POV~

You looked at Atsuto and how sad he was. You could tell that he was in fact deeply sorry, Your arms unwrap from Akinari and you walk over to him. He looked scared and ashamed. You stopped right in front of him and told him to look at you.
The two of you made eye contact and You started to speak.

"You are the scum of the earth, and with most fibres of my being I truely despise you." You pause "but you're still my father"
You take his hand "and what kind of daughter would i be if I didn't love my father. Remember when I came home that day when I protected Izuku." He nodded his head "I was so sad and scared. But you made me feel so much better." You started to tear up.

"I took you out for ice cream, and won you a pocket sized teddy" he smiles "Akinari picked up Izuku and we all went to an arcade" we both started to tear up. Akinari came over.

"I'm sorry for taking you away from Izuku. And your class, but you were in the most terrible condition. I had to help" he says
"It's fine, I'm just concerned about what will happen when I go back" You giggle

"I've already figured that out, you just pretend you don't remember anything." He says.

"Not a bad idea big bro" you smile and put your hand on your hip.

"Am I forgiven??" Atsuto asks
"You're not forgiven completely, but yes" you say. You pull in Atsuto and Akinari into a hug. (There's a lot of hugging going on)  of course they hugged back.

You guys stayed like that for a couple minutes before "dad" had to go do something.

"Whelp, you're all healed besides a couple bruises and that massive gash on your back. But other than that you're good to go" he took a hold of your arm "let's get you back to Izuku. You two would make a cute couple. You know, he swore for the first time." He smiled

"My sweet little innocent bean swore!" You gasped.

"He called Bakugou a fucking monster"

You gasped again and pretended to faint, Akinari caught you and tried to get you to stop being stupid. You didn't and you were still limp in his arms.

"Fine then, you asked for it" he dropped you to the floor.

"My back you bastard!"

"Shit! I'm so sorry! Y/N I completely forgot!" He leaned down to help you. So you grabbed his arm and flipped him onto his back.

"You sneaky little shit" he laughs.

You guys finished your play fight and he took you to Izukus house. Well down the street from Izukus house. He said goodbye and gave you a address and a phone number.

"If you need anything just give me a call"
You hugged and said your goodbyes. You started heading to Izukus home.

You arrived and knocked on his door. Uncle Toshi answered and was stunned when he saw you standing there.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And are you guys okay with the new quirks that I've chosen?? Oh! And how do you guys feel about me adding Kiribaku into the story??

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