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I'm thinking of changing the cover of the book do you guys have any pictures you would like it to be changed to?? Once again this story isn't going to be exactly like the anime but I'll do my best to make it close enough.

The man emerged from his cocoon type thing, he looked really tired his hair was kinda messy. He took a sip of his drink in a packet and started to walk to the front of the class.

"I'm Mr. Aizawa, your home group teacher." He says bluntly

Mr. Aizawa then proceeds to lecture us about considering our futures. You didn't really pay attention to what he was saying but you payed enough attention to understand exactly what he was talking about, in case he asked questions about what he jut said.

"Isn't this kinda pointless?? I mean we're here because we want to be heroes. Unless people are here because they've been forced to, or they didn't know what else to do??"  You have the tendency to mumble to yourself. Exactly like Izuku. You heard a little chuckle coming from the person next to you, then you remembered that you had to sit next to Izuku.
he's probably thinking about all the fun he could be having with Uraraka, he's probable thinking he should ditch me and go off with her. Before you could finish another thought you felt something slide down your face, you were crying.

"Y/N are you okay??" Izuku asks

You quickly start to wipe your eyes and tried to handle your emotions.

"I'm fine, just got something in my eye" you replied

His face showed major concern and you kinda felt bad for lying to him but you smiled to show that you were fine. It was difficult to not let another tear loose.

"Just a reminder, you are not allowed to use your quirks during school hours. And you are no officially heroes yet so you can not and will not be using them in public like a licensed hero would. The only time you are allowed to use your quirks during school hours if if you are training or instructed to by a teacher" Mr. Aizawa states.

The bell went and you quickly made your way to the roof of the school. But little do you know a  someone  was following, you made it to the roof and took a seat agains the wall. Once you were seated on the ground you curled into a ball and let your emotions get the best of you.

"Are you alright??" Someone asks

You stopped crying and lifted your head to see who was standing in front of you.

"I hope you don't mind me being here, I saw you crying during class and decided to follow you"

You were surprised that someone actually followed to see if you were alright.

"I'm alright" you smile

He chuckled a bit and sat down in front of you.

"You're obviously not okay, you're crying on a rooftop" he was smirking a bit

"I just caught something in my eye" you say

He chuckles again and has an amused expression on his face.

"Oh yea?, what'd you catch??"

"Tears" you say through chuckles while wiping your eyes with your sleeve (hehehehehehehehehehehhe I love references)

He started to laugh and you did aswell. He scooted closer to you and held out his hand for you to take, you thought he was giving you a handshake but instead he pulled you up and started dancing. You couldn't believe your eyes a person you had never met was now dancing in front of you. You put your hand Ofer your mouth to silence a laugh that tried to escape.

"See it works, whenever someone is upset just get up and start dancing with them" he smiles then offers his hand again. You hesitated but eventually took his hand, the boy spun you in a circle and dipped you (you know what I'm talking about right??) let's just hope you do) he lofted you back up again and pulled you closer.

"You know I wouldn't usually do this but you seem like a really nice person. And who would I be if I didn't try to cheer up a cute girl like you??" He smiles again and let's you go and spins in a circle before finishing the dance in the most extra pose ever imaginable. You start to uncontrollably laugh and held your stomach, he starts to join the laughing fit and brings you in for a hug.

"Now, I read on the internet that no one feels completely better u tip they have received a hug" (no idea if that's true but it happens with me so I'm just going by that)

You blush slightly and he releases you from his grip and smiles.

"Better??" He asks curiously

"Much" you reply with a beaming smile

He pats your back and points a finger in the air as if he's had a brilliant idea.

"I forgot to introduce myself" he exclaims

His hand extends towards you  and you gladly accept.

"The names Kaminari, but you can call me Denki"

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