Chapter Fourteen- Just A Little Sleep

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Sushana's Pov

I woke up drenched in sweat and when I looked at my watch it read 3:42 am in blood red digits. This had been my third time waking up since tonight and the fact that we battled a spider early may be the cause of this.

Not too long ago I had changed my sleeping position from the floor to this metallic bed hoping it would help.  Hoping that I would sleep at least a little better.

Well guess what?  It didn't help.

I eased up slowly as I rung my neck slowly.  My neck was stiff as a board and my back ached.  Looking around I saw that Carter and Turanna had not returned.

Okay those two were definitely in way deeper than they thought. That whole Carter not dating was Bullshit and I'm pretty much not buying it. I saw the way he looked at Turana the night we first met her.

Just the way she looked at him sometimes when she thinks no one is paying attention gave it all away.  I smiled,  it was about time my commander got over Dyana.  It was about time he moved on with someone who actually cared about him.

Someone who wouldn't leave him ever.

A sharp pain ran through my neck,  so much  for sleeping on an uncomfortable metallic bed made for lab rats. When I heard footsteps however my eyes widened.

Shit. Here they come!

Instantly I was lying flat on my back with my eyes closed. I groaned mentally at how hard I hit my back. 

I partly opened my eye when the footsteps ceased only to see my commander holding a sleeping Turanna in his arms. Her merino was on the wrong side and her bra strap was twisted.  Those were keen detail that I didn't miss. It was evident that they made love and being a gentleman,  when she fell asleep he tried to dress her.

Well poor attempt Carter, you've been discovered. I then smiled but when I realized I was I mentally slapped myself.

I should be asleep not grinning like jokers twin sister.

He then placed her onto a metallic bed gently,  kissing her forehead.  She meant something to him,  it was evident in his eyes as he stared down at her sleeping form. 

Okay time to break the stunt,  laying stiff was not helping me. He then sat on the bed next to that one and I yawned stretching as though I was was even sleeping. 

I then sat up arching my back as I turned my neck only to hear a loud crack.  Ouch...

I wouldn't be surprised to see my vertebral column falling to the floor because I think I hissed turned it right out of me.

"Well Myers insanity took you first... Barely a day here and you are already breaking your neck" came Thomas's voice and I turned to face him with wide eyes.

"Shouldn't you be asleep? " I asked as I squint my eye at him.

"I don't sleep Myers... You know that" he remarked as he toyed with his gun.

"Probably because you were too busy screwing my friend" I stated under my breath and Thomas's head snapped to me immediately.

"Pardon me Myers? " he asked and I hopped off the bed only to step onto Rox. Just as I was about to speak the idiot below me yelled.

"Arghhh!  My kids and grandkids! " he yelled as he eased up groaning as he held his family jewels. I place to my fingers into my lips as I stared in horror looking at my spike heals in the distance.


And what the hell would have happened if I decided to sleep in those?

"I'm sorry " I stated  as I hopped onto my bed bringing my knees to my chest and he looked up at me with almost red eyes matching his face.

"Sorry doesn't give me my Fucking balls back woman! " he hissed as he rocked back and forth in pain.

As if on cue Turanna sat up like a zombie in a horror film with her eyes red and her gun pointed at... Thomas?

"Who the f**k dares to wake me... Can't you see I need sleep! " she yelled like a maniac as she tore her eyes open at my commander who arched a brow.

"I was not the one to wake you" he remarked making a face at her,  his teeth on display.

"Then who the f**k did? " she hissed as she turned her head towards Rox and I like a possessed doll.

"Don't point that thing at me... I doubt safety is even on that thing.  Agent d**k over here woke you up " I stated pointing to Rox who was now on his feet.

"F**k you Myers" he hissed as he ambled to who knows where.

You already did... I  mentally  retort as I watched his figure disappeared in one of the rooms close by.

"Sleep, a little sleep is all I needed but no, You all had to somehow mess it up! " Turanna yelled as she kicked the end of the of her bed in fit.

"Are you having a mental breakdown Miss Madison?" Carter asked as he now stood and I covered my mouth to suppress my laughter because of the way she was looking at him.

"No I'm just tapping into one of my many personalities Carter. This is the one that gets cranky when she lacks sleep!" she yelled and just as she was about to launch at him he injected her with a sedative.

My commander actually surprised me. There were many ways to get the girl to sleep but the fact that the man was walking with a sedative was quite stunning.

"I'm so gonna kick you up the ass for this in the morning" she threatened Thomas in a sleep laced voice as she collapsed in his arms.

He then placed her onto the metallic bed gently and it was when he glanced at me I saw the tiredness in his eyes.

This man made a habit out of not sleeping much more than we thought.

So how was that chapter?  I thought I'd give you a chapter in another person's Pov... I hope I did it justice guys. 

Vote and comment  please :)

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