Chapter Twenty Three- Friend To One, Love To Another

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Latoyia's Pov

I wasn't surprised that someone would want to kill the long lost princess of Geotophia. I wasn't surprise at all, because anywhere a monarch lied there was always vicious people who would stop at nothing to have it crumble. They already took my father so why not take the princess or the pending queen?

Why not continue my family curse of the throne swimming in blood? 

Using my foot I shoved Dyana from my spare only to feel a hand on my shoulder. I turned to the Prince who had his eyes fixed on Dyana's corpse. A lady within the monarch was supposed to be gentle and fragile so with the look in the depths of his eyes I knew the Prince saw neither of those things within me. 

Not the behaviour he expected of a Princess I presumed.

"Um, Princess do I put this?..." He began and I rolled my eyes before walking by the stunned fellow. I was aware of his speech so it would be a waste of time to listen to his utterance. 

I was the princess who could very well be her own knight.

"Forget it Romeo, never saw this working. It was my mother's brilliant idea to have an arranged wedding and fulfill tradition" I stated as I waved him off heading of to meet the others. I am quite elated that Dyana chose to try to have me killed me on my wedding day because I could never truly see myself finding love in an arranged marriage. 

I placed my arms behind me as I strolled the palace's corridors slowly, parts of my body drenched in Dyana's blood. I received the eyes of many but paid attention to none, my eyes on the once place I wish to be right now. There was a small pain in my chest. 

As soon as I got to the first aid room my eyes landed on Rox and Sushana who stood outside, Rox's arms crossed.

"Why aren't you guys on the inside?" I asked and Sushana looked my way, her eyes not showing me the scorn that the passers by or even the Prince issued earlier. 

"They refuse to let us in" she replied simply and my eyes widened before turning to slits as I approached the door. I knocked or banged the door rather only to have the door opened by a nurse who wore a frown.

"How many times do I have to tell you..." She froze as her eyes came upwards to meet my face and I arched my brow encouraging her to go on further. I would not mind her expressing herself to the full length. 

"Your highness" greeted in a much softer tone and I faked a smile.

"My friends and I would like to visit the injured blond. Is he in a condition to accept visits?" I asked and she stepped aside to approve our request only to have Sushana stick her tongue out at her.

"Could you excuse us?" I asked the nurses present and in no time they provided that privacy by walking towards the room next to this one which was only separated by a curtain

My then eyes fell on Thomas's unconscious frame. My chest tightened, this was my fault. He wore this condition because of me.

"This is my fault" I spoke my thought as I came at the foot of the bed holding it's metallic bar.

"That is not true" Sushana stated as she came next to me and held my shoulder softly. there was no need for her to generate pity by expressing softness. Thomas came this far to have me saved without second guessing what he had to sacrifice to achieve that. In fact, they all did. 

"My father was murdered, what made me feel as though I would be safe? I should have took better precaution methods, this would have never happened to him" I stated as my tears came and Sushana hugged me.

The blond grew found of me because there was once a time we could not bare the sight of each other.  Friendships would always kindle in the places you expected it the least. 

"Its our job Loya, you know that" she stated as she pat my back.

"Damn if this is the way you guys behave when I'm alive then what would you guy look like if the shot had pierced my heart and I was dead?" Came Thomas's hoarse voice and we all looked his way.

"Carterrrrrrrrrrrrr!" Sushana and Rox exclaimed as they both gave him a bear hug. I am quite sure the nurses would not have approved of this. 

"Still injured remember" he stated and they both released him.

"Sorry boss" Rox stated and Sushana gave a toothy grin. All of a sudden Thomas had his eyes fixed to me and I felt fire rose to my body instantly.

Green to blue.

Sushana cleared her throat.

"We are quite famished so we will just go get something to eat" she stated as she took Rox's arm in her slender ones.

"We are?" He asked and she stomped on his foot so hard I'm pretty sure the earth shook beneath us.

"Yes. We. Are!" She stated throughout gritted teeth as she dragged him so hard he was so close to toppling over. I looked at my shoes that were stained in blood as I silently begged for him to speak first.

He did.

"I'm sorry for what I said..."

"I told you, I already forgave you Carter" I stated as I took a seat on the bed being careful enough not to sit on his foot.

"Thomas" he corrected and I looked at him.

"Well Thomas, you guys didn't have to make me your duty! You could have been killed" I stated my voice laced with every emotion felt and he sat up and stared at my face.

"You're bleeding" he stated and I touched my forehead only to see blood on my fingers.

"Its just a scratch" I stated and he over shadowed my voice when he yelled for a nurse in order to request a band aid. Moments later she returned and he sat up placing the sticky item to my forehead.

"Seriously Tom? Its just a small scratch. You're the who had been shot" I stated as I began to toy with the band aid.

"We came here because you were more than just a team member, you became a friend and to one, you made one fall in love again" he stated as his eyes met my own and I held his share.

"I love you Loya" he stated and my heart skipped more than just a beat, it skipped thousands. He loved me?

There goes. So yes Dyana is dead so no more threats yay!

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