Chapter Twenty Four-Dirty Secrets

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Sushana's Pov

When I no longer heard footsteps behind me I stopped abruptly only to turn and face Roxwell. Why the had he stop? He had his gaze fixed to me with his arms cross, nothing but silence passing between us. What had I done?

I furred my brows, I had no idea what this was bu I too could have my arms crossed.

"What?" I asked in a curious tone and he rolled his eyes with a smirk.

"We are going to get something to eat? That was the best you had in you babe. We are strangers here, where the hell would we get food? Cliché much?" he remarked and I spun on my heels continuing to walk to god knows where.

Well that was until I was grabbed and dragged into an abandoned room my body being pressed to the cold wall by Roxwell. I batted my lashes before looking up at him in utmost shock.

He would not dare, not in the castle of a friend.

"The hell Rox!" I fumed and he gave me a wicked look, his smirk was no longer there. Something tells me that he was quit dating in this moment.

"Don't you ever walk away from me again, we've spoken about your attitude and you swore to work on it" he stated firmly and I braced against the wall as I tried to shove him off me.

He applied pressure to the areas he could.

"Release me you sadistic f*ck! I'm born with this attitude and it won't be going anytime soon so live with it" I yelled as he pinned my arms with ease. In fact he only needed one hand to do so.

F*ck being a female! F*ck the wall caging me in!

"Sadistic? Now where the hell did that come from?"He asked as he smiled and I spat on him.

He ignored that and simply stared at me in confusion while I observed the wounds on his body that was a least a few days old. He was oblivious to this and stared at me with a pained expression.

"I would never hurt you" he expressed and I took a deep breath.

"Sometimes I wish you would because the pain would be far less. F*ck you Rox because no matter how long you've known me or how long we've loved each other you'll never changed will you? You're still sniffing crack and cutting yourself like a sick freak behind our Captain's back" I sated and he released me and took a step back.

My words were lethal and somehow this time I didn't care.

"There's a difference between marijuana and crack. Who are you to judge me when your legs are were an open door, they allow just about anyone to walk throughout them" he stated and I gasped.

How childish to throw my past in my face as a comeback. I was no wh**e...well maybe I was but that was a long time ago.

Well that was when I was a stripper \ prostitute and had no other means of survival. I was forced into that life. That life was...

Wait a second, how the hell did he know that? In my years of knowing him I had never expressed that truth.

"You read my file?" I asked as my tears were on the verge of escaping and bile rose to my throat. His eyes met mine slowly.

How could he betray our trust like this? The trust of our entire team and what it stood for?

"I was curious about you... I knew you so long but I knew we all had dirty secrets... I needed to know yours" He stated as he came closer and I dodged

"I needed to see if you were open with me". He continued calmly.

"So instead of asking me you went behind my back...f*ck it, you went behind Carter's back and read my personal information! For what Roxwell, to find the weakest chain on the link? To throw my past in my face!" I yelled at him and he fist his hair.

"I never wanted a extra point Sushana, I just felt that after all those years you still don't trust me... I trust you but it is as though you don't trust me Sushana" He explained and I kicked the wall before turning to face him.

"Okay Roxwell let me picture the scenario, I was suppose to say oh hey Rox I was a sl*t at the age of fourteen right until Thomas found me. Was that what I was suppose to say with a huge grin Rox?" I yelled and he tried to touch me but I threw an object at him.

The small statue that was next to me a moment ago was no longer in one price but it did not grant the harm I hoped for. He was quick enough to dodge it and the statue was now in pieces behind him.

"I never meant to say it like that but I felt as though I meant nothing to you...please stop crying" he begged as he was able to run down on me , holding me to his chest as we sat on the floor.

"I do trust you...I didn't mention it because I didn't want to remember it but you just had to dig a grave!" I hissed between hiccups and sobs and he kissed my forehead.

The tough blond was no longer here.

Silence followed for about an half an hour and I stared at nothing. That was until I found myself looking at his wrist. The cut lingering on his wrist was bothering me.

After leaving Thomas who headed straight towards his guards I went for Rox. He didn't take long to find when I did I froze. He grazed his wrist with the knife as though the knife was made of plastic and he was made of entirely metal.

I thought he said he no longer did this? He lied?

"Sushana..." I then raised my hand begging him to stop while I swallowed my pain.

"Just came to inform you to get in place, we have a killer to catch" and with that I spun on my heals and left....

"When I read your file it perplexed me for days upon days. I couldn't confront you and it hurt to know that you didn't trust me. I told you I only do that when something bothers me, its not a good practice but it has been in me from a teenager" he state bringing me from my flashback and breaking the silence.

"And this?" I asked as I spun the bag of marijuana on my finger and he grabbed the bag and shoved it in his pocket.

"Addiction... I was a drug dealer remember" he stated and I crawled stood and he stood also holding my hand gently. I started at our hands before looking up at him through my lashes. He gave me a smile.

"I care about you okay, can you blame me for being angry that my girl is secretive" he sated and I rolled my eyes at him.

"That's why you open the pit in your face and ask before violating people's privacy" I hissed and in an instant I was pulled by the hand he was holding onto his rock hard chest.

"Feisty are we?" he asked and my cheeks reddened at the look in his eyes and in no time his lips smashed onto mine. He fist my blond hair possessively while I did the same to his hair.

I moaned into his mouth as soon as the warmest of his hand came in contact with my thigh. His lips then caressed my neck as his hand squeezed my thighs.

His lips sent every nerve in my body on the extra high as they were now nipping ams sucking on my turgid nipples. I arched my back as his hand made its way between my thigh.

Then that's when it struck me...there was still a secret I haven't told just yet. I pushed away from him and he stared at me with confused eyes.

"I'm pregnant" I blurted out spinning around afterwards so that my back easy facing him as I stared at the floor.

Well this chapter is longer than the usual, wonder what happened ?Anyhow guys how was that chapter?

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