Chapter Thirteen- My Liability

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Turanna's pov

Based on my watch it was now midnight and I was the only one who failed to enter the land of slumber. Well apart from Thomas of course, an Android never sleeps I guess so I could never count him as a person. I bar my lashes and considered what could be delaying our rescue so greatly.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping ?" he asked and I rolled my eyes. Shouldn't he be asleep?

"If I could would not be watching air Captain" I remarked in a not so kind tone. When he made a face at me I smiled nervously.

"Sir" I added swiftly.

"And just what prevents you from sleeping ?" he asked and my cheeks redden. Why did it appear that my boss was somewhat concerned with my one off insomnia?

"Um...Nothing. I just want to get out of here that is all" I stated and he looked at me.

"Let me worry about that Maddison" he stated and I half smiled. I knew it was his duty to worry, I worry because I had no choice.

"Now you can tell me the truth as to why you can't seem to close your eyes?" he suggested and I almost swallowed my tongue at that.

"I beg your pardon? " I asked avoiding his gaze.

"Okay let me simplify my statement. You're upset about earlier" he stated and I crossed my arms.

"Well if you put it like that I'm beyond upset" I mumbled but he heard me as expected.

"You and I both know that... "

"If I hear the word liability one more time I'm gonna blow up I swear. I get it Carter... Forget I said anything " I stated as I stood. I then stopped in my tracks as I almost stepped on Sushana.

Gently I stepped over her, heading to another location where I would not be sinking into a bitter reflection of what occurred in the bathroom.

I took a seat on a wooden box in the room I referred to as the laundry room. All I wanted more than anything was to be taken out of this dump. It was on days like these I missed Geotophia and it's simplicity.

Why the hell did he lead me on if he knew that he wanted nothing more than a good time at the moment?

"I didn't lead you on" I then turned to face Thomas and it was then that I realized I had said that out loud.

"Then tell me why kiss me and say it was a mistake?" I hissed as I got up and turned right into him.

"Did I ever express that it was a mistake? " he asked as he closed the door behind him, steadying me afterwards.

"You didn't need to cause what you told Rox earlier already did" I stated and to my surprise he lifted me up, throwing me around his waist as he looked at me.

"How can I say it was a mistake when I wanted that kiss as much as you did" he stated and my heart heavied in my chest and without thinking I brought my face to his.

One of his hand gripped my a** firmly as his other hand made it's way under my blouse to caress my breast. He however groaned when he felt that I had on a bra and I smirked beneath his lips. I knew he wouldn't be disappointed when his hand went lower.

He placed me to sit on a wooden box not breaking our passionate kiss, his warm fingers teasing my nipples. His tongue wrestled my own as his hand massage my breast gently.

I moved away from his lips panting heavily as he stared down at me with hooded blue eyes.

"I thought you hated liabilities " I stated as he unclasped my bra, his finger moving over my body gently.

"I think I've already accepted this liability " he stated as he kissed me again with all the passion he had within him. I then arched my back sliding his hands onto my thigh as our lips curled.

To my surprise he broke the kiss his eyes drifting to my thighs before he looked back to me.

"Are you sure about this? " he asked and when I moved closer to him with a small nod he received his answer.

He removed my shirt gently before claiming my lips again and my hands pushed his jacket to the floor. When I was greeted by another material I groaned into his mouth.

He moved away from my lips dragging the merino over his head and throwing it elsewhere. Taking that as a good time I slid my shorts down my leg placing it along with my merino.

He then place his lips to the crook of my neck sucking on the delicate flesh. I moaned my hands clawing his biceps as his free hand massaged my thighs roughly before making it's way in between.

I moaned as soon as a finger came in contact with my wet core and he made a trail of hot kisses towards my breast. His eyes met my own as and I averted my eyes knowing he could feel my arousal.

"Turanna are you afraid of me? " he asked as he straightened up, his finger entering me slowly.

"You're my commander, Shouldn't I be?" I stated or asked more so as one finger now became two. I clawed his back and he shifted slightly at the impact.

"Turanna if I am honest, I never was your commander " he stated as he removed his finger from my core, claiming my lips in a rough kiss.

His lips made their way to my breasts then onto my stomach where he sucked on the flesh. I closed my eyes in utmost pleasure but as soon as something cold came in contact with my thigh I froze.

"Thomas what are you... "

"Loosing your virtue the way you did wasn't fair to you" he stated and I sighed. I could yell the name of any god with the intense glare issued.

"Can we not talk about it please" I begged and he kissed my inner thigh softly before issuing a reply.

"We won't. In fact we won't speak for the rest of the night. Just allow me to make love to you" he stated as his lips came in contact with my heated core.

I arched my back in pleasure as he pulled me closer to him, throwing my legs over his shoulder. I moaned as I felt my orgasm building within me my body shaking slightly. But as soon as I was on the verge he moved away, denying me of having that orgasm.

He was now standing between my legs again, his eyes fixed on me as he unzipped his pants.

"Back pocket" he stated in a gruff tone and my hand found its way there to remove a shiny paper.

"Somebody anticipated this " I remarked as I unwrapped it, handing the condom to him.

"Being prepared doesn't mean I anticipated this. In fact I never thought this would happen because I would never take a subordinate" he stated as he kissed my lips.

"Being that you are inexperienced, this may hurt still. Now if the pain is beyond what you can bare let me know. The last thing I want to do is hurt you " he stated as his tip came in contact with my wet core. He entered with a soft thrust and I clawed his back moaning and groaning in slight discomfort.

And as promised we kept our mouths shut... Making love in the silence and dim lighting around us.

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