Chapter Twenty- Preparation For The Deadly

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Thoma's Pov

Well just as Loya would say this place was giving me the 'creeps'. It was funny yet ironic because I remembered telling her the 'creeps' didn't exist yet here I was experiencing it. It was only natural for one to feel strange in a strange land with the possibility of the existence of odd creatures.

In every bush or behind every rock the weirdness set of creatures would creep out ensuring that I saw them. Their huge fangs or gigantic claws on display. 

Their eyes filled with hunger and directed at me. How could a land with such beauty seem so intensely dark with each and every creature crying for blood. I walked faster a gun in both hands, the smell of strange plants stinging my nostrils, 

 I was about take another step when Sushana's voice came ringing thought my communication link. I cringed as I held my ears, why did she have to be so loud? I knew the woman had terrible vocals but it was quite painful to know that she had a voice that could possibly kill. 

Why must she sound like a screeching car?

"Thomas are you there?! Acknowledge me go damn it!" She yelled and I growled.

"Carter and I believe you forget that you answer to me" I corrected her. I did not need to see her to know she had rolled her eyes, her eye rolls was now a rude habit that may be quite hard to break. 

"What is the issue, I thought you quit?" I asked as I continued to observe my surroundings with one hand to my ear. 

"Carter" she began through gritted teeth before continuing, "Where are you? I think I may be seeing things!" She stated and I could not find the strength to frown. It was human nature to walk away on instinct and return due to fear. 

As suspected, she was seeing the very creatures I saw every time I walked by area too dark and too quiet. 

"I'm somewhere in this Forrest, I am unable to give you coordinates. in fact I don't even know where to head and just what I may be looking for. How will I even locate the castle just now?" I asked in frustration as to me it looks like I've been walking in circles.

Every f**king thing appeared to be the same. 

"Is that where where we come in?" Questioned Rox who emerged from the darkness with the guardian standing next to him. My eyes widened but readjusted upon realization, when it came to the element of surprise he was good at it.

How did he pull it off was the question I wanted to ask. However now was not the time nor the  place to discuss tactics.

"Thomas what is going on?" Came Sushana's shaken voice and to be honest I would have rather listening to glass  being broken next to my ear.

"Remain where you are...I'll come get you. What are you close to?" I asked.

"Peeing a mess, I think something is eyeing me as a appetizer" she replied and in a strange land her behaviour was somewhat appropriate. 

"Myers" saying her name firmly was an attempt to calm her. It was okay for her to feel fearful because the small bits of us were still humans. Her breathing steadied and when she paused I assumed she swallowed. 

"I'm close to some trees, does that help?" She asked.

"No it does not" I replied and she sighed.

"I'm close to a waterfall, it runs crystal clear water. Nothing like what we have on earth." She stated and that actually gave me something.

"Okay that's good enough, I will..." But before I could finish I was cut off by Rox who touched my shoulder. 

"I'll get her, you and our glowing friend here can head straight for the castle" Rox suggested and I nodded firmly. This was a tactic to save time and possibly save the princess. 

"Roxwell is coming to get you, hold tight and kill if you are attacked" I stated and Sushana began sobbing. I raised an eyebrow but said nothing. 

"Roxwell is dead! What kind of sick joke is this Carter?" she fumed and I sighed. Why would I waste my time just to tell her a joke?

Did she not know me better?

"Suit yourself then Myers, you can do one out of two things, go with Roxwell when he shows up or stay and talk with your new friends. The choice is yours" I sated before ending the communication link.

We our separate ways thought the Forrest, the guardian leading the way to the castle.


Getting into the castle was quite easy as I was disguised as a palace guard. This was good on one end but not so good on the other. This simply meant the palace had a poor defense system or whom ever wishes to execute the princess worked rather hard to ensure it was this way. I shrugged, the uniform was rather uncomfortable and rather tight. 

Just about anyone could get in and out without being noticed. The best thing an assassin could ask for. I worried about Loya regardless of the state she left me in and the lies she told to drive me to such a state. 

"I'll be in the main room helping with the wedding preparations, try not to get caught" the guardian stated and I nod continuing down the hall. the best method in all this was to pretend as if we had never met so has a result we had to generate our strategy quickly without being obvious. 

I then came to and halt when I heard Tur...Loya's voice. For someone who departed years ago it surely felt like years and deep down I believed I would never see her or hear her voice again.

"Why wasn't I told that Kiara died, why was this kept from me?!" She yelled.

"I didn't want it to interfere with your wedding, honey you have to understand " came another voice and I leaned closer to the door.

"Understand that the person who was supposed to be my maid of honour is dead mother? How is it someone adjust to death, the death of the friend? She was more than my best friend mother...she was like an older sister" she cried and it reminded me of the very first time I saw her break. 

The day when I failed to protect her on that plane.

"I'm really..."

"I want to be alone mother" she stated cutting her mother off and when I heard foot steps approaching I ran, hiding being a statue until she was no longer seen or heard.

I resumed my position to find that the door was ajar, Loya lying on her bed faced down as she sobbed. Apart of me wanted to embrace her but another part of me thought it would be wise if she didn't know I was here.

I then looked away and made my way downstairs. 

I had assassination to stop. 

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