Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


It's been three days since I last saw Rae. Junior stops by every day, wanting to get back together, but take it slow this time. I still haven't given him a definite answer, too busy trying to keep up with the list of duties my mom has given me. Because of this list of crap I have to do, I've been stranded at this house working like the hired help every day after classes. I'd ask my friends to help, but Jordan is working out with the track team in hopes of joining them and Trish is always getting cozy with Jax. I have no interest in asking Junior to help because he'd find a way to get me to talk to him about us trying again.

I brushed my hair out of my eyes and went back to cleaning out the gutter. These falling leaves are really starting to piss me off. Every time I clean these things and rake the yard, more leaves come and take their place. I used the stick I removed from a tree and pulled the leaves and muck toward me. I pushed them off the side of the gutter and used the branch like a pole, shoving it through the long drain so it'd come right out.

With a lot of grunting and wrestling with the gunk, it finally unclogged and flowed out of the drain like a hole in a dam. Sweat flowing down my body, I climbed down the ladder and set foot on the steady ground. Almost immediately, my legs gave out. Before I could hit the ground though, two strong arms wrapped around my waist and righted me.

Once I'd gained my balance, I turned around and was surprised to see Trish and Jordan there. They both looked semi-amused and somewhat serious. Raising an eyebrow at them, I wiped my hands on my sweats. "What's up, guys?"

Jordan wrapped an arm around my shoulders and turned me towards the front door. "You go shower and I'll put this stuff away." Releasing me, he shoved me roughly and I stumbled forward. I turned and flipped him off before heading inside, Trish following close behind me.

She moved in front of me, walked right into my walk-in closet, and deliberated on what to force me to wear today. "Today, we're going to have a serious talk, Ren." When she had my attention, she waved me away. "Go get in the shower. I'll bring your stuff to you."

Rolling my eyes at her, I did what I was told. I stripped off all of my clothes and climbed in the shower, turning the water on hot. I let the spray massage some of the tension out of my shoulders, but it did nothing to ease the aches and pains from all of this work. I rolled my shoulders in an attempt to alleviate the tearing sensation in my upper back, but it didn't help much. Sighing, I grabbed my body wash and squeezed a generous amount onto my washcloth and went to work scrubbing the grime from my body. I rinsed off and scrubbed my face with the rinsed washcloth before stepping out of the shower.

I didn't even flinch when I noticed Trish and Jordan calmly sitting outside the shower with a simple t-shirt and sweatpants for me to wear. Whatever the reason for them being here must be serious if Trish picked out sweatpants for me to wear. She's normally forcing me to wear something more form fitting. I reached around Jordan to grab my towel and dried myself off. I grabbed my clothes and threw them on, and then walked out, knowing they'd be right behind me.

Once the three of us were settled in my room, I looked at them expectantly. They wouldn't have just popped in unless it was important. "So, what's up? I thought you guys were busy today."

"Jax had to go shopping with his mom and sister." Trish replied.

"Practice was cancelled." Jordan responded.

"So you come here?" Their schedules might be free, but that doesn't mean they would just show up here. They know I've got work to do, so something's up.

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