Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


I got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and gargled, wanting to get rid of the bad taste in my mouth left after yet another wet dream about Rae. It's been over three months since I last spoke to her. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's have passed without a word from her, not that I expected anything different.

I left the bathroom and pulled on a long sleeve shirt and some jeans before going downstairs. Gideon isn't talking to me much these days, too upset that I'd banned Rae from seeing him. As I'd expected, when I sat down next to him at the table, he slid his seat practically on top of dad before continuing to eat. Dad sent me a small smile of apology before returning his gaze to the paper. I ate my cereal silently, choosing not to speak this morning.

By the time I climbed out of my jeep, my mood had pretty much dropped to nonexistent. Jordan had cancelled on Saturday night movie night with Trish and I for the fourth consecutive week to spend his weekend with Rae. It was really starting to piss me off. I get that they'd become friends when Rae and I had our whatever the hell it's called, but he was my friend first and Saturday night movie night has been practically a tradition since I moved here two years ago.

I shook my head, forcing the thoughts away with a smile as Trish and Jax strolled up to me. "Hey, guys."

"Morning, Ren." Trish responded. "You get Jordan's text?"

"Yeah. He cancelled again. And it's his night to host it." I growled, feeling a headache coming. "Speak of the devil...." Jordan jogged over to us, a silly grin on his face that immediately went away the moment he noticed the glare I sent his way.

"What?" he asked, a seemingly innocent smile on his face.

"You fucking cancelled movie night. That's what."

He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, his eyes slowly taking us in. Jax seemed bored by the situation, obviously unperturbed about what happened. "Look, Rae needs a ride to her therapy appointment. Her mom was going to take her, but she has an emergency meeting at work she can't afford to miss."

"Since when are Rae and Mrs Farley on good terms?" Trish asked the question we'd all been wondering.

Jordan shrugged, his eyes looking across the schoolyard and following Rae as she walked into the school with Natasha draped all over her. "I dunno. It's been going on for a couple months. It's really weird. It'd almost seem like they've been cool with each other forever if you didn't know any better."

"Well, since when is her appointments on a Saturday?" I asked, needing to find someone reason to get at her.

Jordan shoved his hands in his pockets, his eyes dropping to the tops of his shoes. "She has a date Friday night."

My entire body tensed up, unable to comprehend what he'd said. "What do you mean 'a date?'"

"She asked out this chick from her Tuesday night group therapy meetings. Some curvaceous redhead." he responded with a shrug.

I turned and stalked off, not in the mood to deal with them anymore. I went to my locker, grabbed my things, and then stormed into my first period, throwing myself into my seat.

When lunch came around, I sat at my usual table, listening to my friends talk and just eating when a tray was parked in front of Jordan. Rae slid into the seat opposite him and Natasha settled in next to her. The only thing keeping Natasha from sitting directly beside me is Melinda sliding into the seat between us. She sent me a small, understanding smile before tucking into her food.

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