Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


I trudged ahead, allowing my feet to take me wherever they wanted. I no longer cared about my destination. The world seemed to blur and all I saw was my feet methodically guiding me through town. My phone vibrated in my pocket, but I couldn't muster up the strength to answer it. There's no telling who was calling, but I knew it wasn't her.

When I finally stopped in front of a chain-linked fence, I looked up. The light blue townhouse peered back at me, appearing almost unforgiving. I reached out to unlatch the gate when something occurred to me.

We aren't on good terms right now.

I clenched my fist around the metal, enjoying the feeling of it digging into my skin. I squeezed as tightly as I could, reveling in the way it sent shockwaves of pain up my arms.

Finally, I released it and turned away, heading back the way I'd come. I glanced around me, noting for the first time that the dogs hadn't followed me. There's no telling where they might have wandered off to, but I'm sure they'll meet me back at the house later.

I took my time walking aimlessly through town, not wanting to go back to my house where I'm sure they'd be waiting to tell me that she died. That my Serenity didn't survive the fall. I don't think I could handle that. There was only one way to deal with this, but the person who usually helped me, wanted all of me, not just what I could give her. A deep sigh escaped me as I slumped slightly, my shoulders coming up to my ears.

Who could I call? Who'd be willing to take what I could give them without question?

I pulled out my phone and dialed the number before I could second guess myself. They answered on the second ring.

"Hello?" the voice answered.

"Hey, it's me. You busy?"

"Hey! No, of course not. Come on over. The door's unlocked and my mom's out on a date with some doctor. I'd love the company."

"Cool. I'm on my way." I hung up, already feeling the guilt settle into the pit of my stomach. Still, I had to do this.

I was barely through the door when she pounced. Natasha was scantily clad in a fiery orange lace bra and panty set. Her hair was loose and sexily messy, her viridian green eyes burning into me with their intensity.

My hands instinctively grabbed onto her thighs, catching her mid-air and held her close to me. Her lips found mine, forcing her tongue into my mouth. Everything felt rushed and hurried, but I didn't have it in me to stop. I walked over to the couch, distracting her by letting her control the kiss.

When my knees bumped against it, I tossed her onto it. She cried out in surprise, her eyes wide. I peeled off my clothes, feeling as if I were shedding a second skin, and then climbed on top of her. She pulled me down to her, wrapping her legs around my waist and pressing our lips together again.

I wrapped her hair in my fingers, pulling her head back. My lips trailed along her jaw, up to her ear. I ran my tongue along the outer edge of it, her quiet whimpers and the writhing of her hips telling me she loved it. Her hands wrapped themselves around my waist, holding me flush against her. As I nibbled and licked along the column of her neck, my free hand tugged her underwear down her legs and off of her body. I tore my lips off her neck for the briefest of moments to give the silk panties a quick sniff before tossing them aside.

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