Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


She's avoiding me. It's been nearly two weeks since her confession and Rae refuses to talk to me. The way she just got up and walked out, refusing to even look at me.... It doesn't sit well with me. Looks like I'm gonna have to go to her because obviously its not gonna be the other way around.

Squaring my shoulders, I knocked on the door. I waited for almost 5 minutes before someone finally opened it. It was Mr. Farley.

"Hey, Serenity. How are you?"

"Hi, Mr. Farley. I'm pretty good. How are you?"

He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I'm doing pretty good myself. Come on in." He closed the door behind me and led the way into the living room. "So, what brings you by?"

"I was hoping to talk to Rae." I glanced toward the stairs as if she'd suddenly materialize there. "She's avoiding me and I want to put a stop to it. You see, we had a really....... intense.... conversation a few days ago and I think she regrets it or something." I returned my gaze to him, letting my concern for her show. "I'm worried she'll never talk to me again if I don't make the first move."

He quietly regarded me for a moment before smiling sadly at me. "It appears that another person has fallen victim to the beauty within." He shook his head, his eyes looking at me downtrodden.

"What do you mean?" I stared at him in confusion.

"You are in love with her."

I gawked at him, utterly floored. I can't possibly be in love with her. I haven't known her that long. I don't even know what it means to be in love. I've felt a strong connection to her since I first laid eyes on her, and it's still there, only it's a bit more pronounced. But, love? There's just no way.

"I think you're mistaken, Mr. Farley." I replied as calmly as I could. "I'm too young to be in love, let alone be capable of understanding what it signifies."

"There's no set age where you are expected to fall in love, let alone be able to understand it." he told me, his eyes suddenly appearing extremely wise. "Someday, you'll understand. As for Rae, she feels the same way. She's just too afraid of losing you to admit it." He stood up and headed for the back door. "Oh and she's upstairs in bed if you were wondering."

I sat there for a full minute trying to wrap my head around what just happened before giving up and walking up the stairs. When I reached Rae's room, I only hesitated for a second before opening the door. Sure enough, she was sprawled on her stomach and under the covers in her bed, facing away from the door.

Quietly so as not to disturb her, I shut the door and then walked over to her. I leaned over her, trying to get a look at her face. It was completely relaxed, making her appear innocent in a way I'd never seen her. Her eyes were flickering a bit in the midst of a dream. Her lips were parted slightly, a sign of just how deeply asleep she was. Her arms were wrapped tightly around her pillow, holding it close to her chest.

I watched her for a full minute, which was probably more like half an hour or so before I shed my jacket and shoes, and climbed under the covers with her. I slid up close to her and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her back into my front. Her warmth spread from her into me, enveloping me in its seductive embrace.

Sighing in satisfaction, I allowed the warmth to lull me into a deep, fitful sleep.

I sat curled up on the love seat, gazing out at my flourishing garden. The tomatoes appeared plump and juicy. The collards, well developed, no bent leaves or bug-made holes in them. There were a couple rabbits fluttering about, but I knew that my resident snake, Sebastian, would handle them if they got too close.

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