Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


I looked around the living room, my gaze slowly combing over every individual in it. Every available seat had been taken and quite a few people were left standing around. People of varying degrees of colored skin filled the space. Carey had decided to have a get together with her side of the family. We didn't see them too often because a majority of them lived in North Carolina while others lived in Virginia.

My cousin, Margie, had cousin Dennis pinned up against the screen door trying to get him to appreciate her body. She was a small something in her mid-thirties, single and hellbent on having a baby. What she doesn't seem to understand is that just because they were third cousins, it didn't mean they could still sleep with each other. Blood is blood. I shook my head and turned my gaze to where Junior and Lexi sat joking with our first cousin, Tammy.

Tammy had recently gained her Bachelor's degree and is currently engaged to some guy attending Moorhouse Medical School. She was beautiful. Skin the color of hazelnut and a complexion beauty queens strove for. Her eyes were a creamy hazel, filled with a rich mixture of green. She smiled easily and dressed modestly in a long, flowy red skirt with a long sleeve black top with a sweetheart neckline. She always made me feel welcome and seemed to enjoy my company. But, with Lexi there, I have to keep my distance.

There was a lot of family here, but I wasn't especially close to any of them. I turned and instead, stared out at the backyard, wishing I could be out there with the dogs instead of being cooped up in here.

"Rae!" a voice called out. I glanced up before turning away, only to turn back again in surprise. At the entrance of the room stood Serenity and Gideon. Before I could say anything, Gideon came racing over and launched himself at me.

I immediately wrapped my arms around him, laughing as he hugged me as tightly as he could. When he finally released me, I mussed the hair at the top of his head. "J'onzz! What're you doing here?" I chuckled, smiling for the first time today.

He grinned up at me, his big brown eyes sparkling. "We're going to this military thingy with papa. We were driving by your house anyway, so I convinced mom to let us stop and see you first."

I glanced up to see Serenity talking to Junior, but her eyes met mine and her smile broadened as she continued her conversation. I returned my gaze to him and lightly punched him in the shoulder. "I'm glad you did. I was starting to get bored."

"Why? There's tons of people here." he looked at me in innocent confusion.

"My mom's family don't like me very much. That's all."

He frowned at that. "That's kind of hard to believe. I mean, me and my sister love you."

"Oh? She loves me, huh? I knew you did, but I didn't know she felt that way." I grinned at him, my brows raised in disbelief. "What kind of love? Does she love me in the 'we are practically sisters' kind of way or the 'I want to kiss you until I can't tell up from down' kind of way?"

Gideon giggled, his grin turning decidedly wicked, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Definitely the second one."

I couldn't have stopped that damn grin from shooting across my face even if I wanted to. I returned my gaze to Serenity only to find her watching us, her eyes narrowed suspiciously. My grin turned into a smirk and I fist bumped Gideon who laughed maniacally. When Serenity frowned and made to come over, the smirk turned back into a grin. I glanced at Gideon who's grin broadened as he immediately read what was going through my head. With a subtle nod, we turned back to Serenity. She came to a stop right in front of us.

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