Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


I can't believe I just whispered that to her. I watched as Rae stared at me, her jaw hanging open. If anything, this entire situation was pretty freaking laughable. If I were in the mood to laugh, of course. Right now, I wanted her to take that damn shirt off. I wanted to feel her skin against mine.

"What?" she all but whimpered in disbelief. "I'm sorry but I think my vagina is really messing with my head. Could you repeat what you said?"

I chuckled at her, but froze, not recognizing my own voice. It sounded deeper and sorta....breathless, I guess you could say. "I said, take off your shirt."

Her eyes went wide and this time, I outright laughed at her. She glared at me, and I went quiet. The way those beautiful eyes freaking smoldered at me.... God, I'm in serious trouble. "Don't laugh at me, woman!" she pretty much growled. "Are you sure?" she asked me, her voice gentle.

Instead of answering, I gripped the hem of my undershirt and pulled it over my head. There was a slight chill in the room, but the heat from her gaze warmed me up immediately. I reached down and tugged on the hem of her shirt. Immediately, she sat up and practically tore the shirt off in her haste to rid herself of it.

We both just sat there, staring at each other's breasts as if we'd never seen boobs before. Well, in my defense, her breath were pretty freaking incredible. Without thinking, I reached out and cupped one testing the weight and feel of it. The sound of Rae sucking in air made me look up. Her eyes were closed tightly and her head was thrown back in our ecstasy.

I reached out and grabbed the other, gently toying with them. They were like two molten ambers that could be easily molded and manipulated, while maintaining their current shape. And the ends of the two breasts were nipples, straining towards me, begging me to take them in my mouth. And take them I did.

I leaned forward and gently rubbed one nipple along my lips, enjoying the give and take of it. I ran my thumb over the other one at the same time and almost immediately felt Rae's hands in my hair. At some point, I'm not sure when, she'd removed my hair from its ponytail. I snaked my tongue out, gently caressing her twin peaks, and she arched into my mouth. A whimper escaped her and I couldn't stifle a smug grin at having made Rae submit to me. Carefully, I grazed her nipples with my teeth eliciting a ragged breath from her. She gripped my hair tighter and applied a bit of pressure.

Finally, I caved and wrapped my lips around a peak. She barely managed to stifle what would've been a loud moan and pulled my head closer to her chest. I sucked and licked and nibbled her nipple until she was writhing like crazy under me. Then I switched and wrapped my lips around the other peak and did the same while still teasing the first one with my thumb.

Suddenly, I was ripped off of my new favorite toy and I looked up at her. She had one hand holding me back and the other rubbing at her eyes as her body gyrated at the empty air. After a couple minutes, she sighed and looked up at me. "Dammit, Serenity." She growled in frustration. "You almost made me come. That never happens. We haven't even really done anything yet, but all you had to do was touch my breasts and I'm ready to go off like a fucking teenage boy."

I blushed, unsure how to answer that. "Sorry. I was just.... I dunno. I guess I was just curious."

"About my boobs?"

My face was on freaking fire. "Yeah? It's just... different, I guess."

She shook her head at me, chuckling at my embarrassment. She's so lucky I adore her. "Come here, precious." I hesitated only for a second before leaning toward her and resting my forehead against hers. She licked her lips, her gaze licked onto mine, making my mouth dry. "The way I want to touch you is different from how you touched me." She ran her hand down my back, going all the way to my behind, tugging me closer to her.

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