Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


I turned the volume up on the tv, my heart pounding against the walls of my chest. The newswoman continued.

"There's a severe storm warning over the entire state of Maryland. There will be gale force winds and storm surges. We expect there to be at least ten inches of rain water after the storm and hail as big as baseballs falling from the sky. We ask that everyone stay far away from the windows and away from sources of water. There will be very sharp lightening out tonight and the hail is big enough to shatter windshields on cars. There is a tornado watch going on as we speak, and we'll be sure to inform if one happens to touch down somewhere. Back to you, Colt."

I muted the tv again and stood up, hurrying into the kitchen where my mom was finishing up the dishes. I quickly turned the faucet off and pulled her out of the room, afraid of losing her to a storm as well.

"Dominique, what on earth...." she faltered when she looked at me. "Rae, you're pale and shaking." She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close, gently rubbing my back. I gripped her shirt in my fists, trying to force air into my constricted lungs. "What's going on? Are you okay?" I couldn't respond, let alone breathe. I felt my eyes start to burn as tears assaulted my face, fear refusing to let me go. "Joseph! Come downstairs, now! I need you!"

I just barely heard the sound of Joe marching down the stairs, but I couldn't turn to look. I didn't want to lose the safety I'd found in my mom's arms.

"What is it, Carey? I was in the shower." he said. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye and through my slowly tunneling vision, I noticed he was dripping wet with a towel wrapped around his waist. Noticing me for the first time, his pale gaze met mine. "Rae? Sweetie, what is it?"

I shook my head, burying my face into mom's bosom. Something collided with the window and I lurched three feet into the air, crying out in fear. I held mom tighter, my legs suddenly feeling like jello.

"Joseph, go get dressed and meet us in the living room." I heard his heavy steps move away. Mom's arms tightened around me and she started walking me backwards, never once loosening her grip. I didn't know where we were headed until the backs of my knees connected with a soft cushion. Suddenly, I was falling backwards. I ended up flopping down onto the couch. Before I could panic, my mom sat down next to me and wrapped her arms around me again. I curled my feet under myself and leaned into her, seeking her warmth and calm heart.

"What happened?" Lexi asked as she came down the stairs. I hadn't known she was home. "Why's she screaming?"

"Can you pass me the blanket off that couch, Lexi?" I felt the soft material being draped across my shoulders, but I didn't look up. "Rain started falling and I guess it spooked her. But, she was already upset when she came into the kitchen."

"Should we call her doctor?"

"No. Not yet, anyways."

Joe chose that moment to come back downstairs. He sat down beside me and gently rubbed my back. "Everything's going to be okay, Rae. It's just a storm, sweetheart."

The crash of thunder made me flinch. I climbed into my mom's arms, gripping her tightly as I hid from the storm by burying my face into her bountiful chest. "Don't let go." I whispered, clinging to her.

Her arms tightened around me and one of her hands gently caressed my head. "I won't, honey. I'll never let you go."

"I don't understand what's going on. She was just fine earlier." Lexi said, blowing out an exasperated breath. "Why is she having a breakdown now?"

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