While some grown ups are living so far in the past that they act more like the kids they tell to grow up, some kids shows are doing the opposite, whether its about gender equality, the LGBTQ+ community, or even some surprisingly serious topics that would get away if Mr. Rogers Neighborhood Talked about it.
These are my picks for the Top 5 Surprisingly Progressive Kids Shows, whether they are Live Action or Animated, I will be talking about them.
5) Bella and The Bulldogs (Nickelodeon):
Okay while not the best Nickelodeon show to put on this list because all Modern Nickelodeon Live Action Shows suck, I think after iCarly ended sitcom quality dropped but back to the topic. This show tackles Gender equality in an awesome way by adding making a female student and making her the quarterback to the boys American Football Team. I have to say American Football to avoid confusion with what us Americans call soccer and the rest, well you get the point. Kinda corny it was made into a Nickelodeon sitcom but you know what, WHO CARES IF IT TACKLES A HOT BUTTON ISSUE?
4) Steven Universe (Cartoon Network):
I wanted to get Steven Universe out of the way because well, for the people who haven't watched it yet, this show greatly tackles LGBT plotlines with amazing execution. With characters like Garnet, who is a literal Lesbian Relationship composed of Ruby and Saphire, and Pearl, who has a romantic interest towards females. Check in a recent episode they talked about a abusive relationship between Lapis and Jasper. Talk about seriousness.
Check after this show, a lot of shows started showing LGBTQ+ characters, for example, Clarence, Star vs The Forces of Evil, Gravity Falls, Rick and Morty, and the show That's in the number 3 spot.
3) The Loud House (Nickelodeon)
Yes the show that keeping punching barriers in the face. Of course we all know about Clyde's parents being a same-sex couple, but now one of the 10 sisters, the 3rd oldest, Luna, is confirmed Bisexual in the episode, "L is for Love." What's next, are they going to show a transgender character? I hope so.
2) Danger and Eggs (Amazon Prime):
Lets talk about Gender identity....yeah they do that in this show, awesome, but honestly I haven't seen the show yet, then again, do you know how much a Amazon Prime Account cost?
And finally a show That's been progressive for over 45 years.
1) Sesame Street (HBO and PBS)
I'm talking about Sesame Street for the number 1 spot because of the recent addition of Julia, the first ever Muppet with autism, she was added to the show to give kids a better idea of what autism is. This is pretty awesome for a show like this as they are showing characters with disabilities to kids so they can learn about them. Now we need a character with Cerebral Palsy and call it a day. Heck it would make both me and fnafcutie616 pretty happy, mainly because we have zero characters in anything that have cerebral palsy.
Is there a show I miss, tell me in the comments, and I will see you next time.
Top 5 Countdown hosted by Xanderwrites (Season 2)
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