Top 5 Best Games Announced at E3 2018

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Video Games, now a staple of Modern Pop Coulture.

And This Past Week was E3 which is a convention dedicated to Video Games and Developers show off their upcoming games.

As it just recently ended, I am here to tell you guys my Picks for the Top 5 Best Games Anounced at E3 2018.

Also I'm not going to talk about every game I'm only talking about the 5 that interest me. In fact of you want a more detailed list, my buddy jimbob16gros will be publishing his list some time in the next few days. And he'll be much better than me at that.

5) Anthem (EA):

Look at the Trailer. This is amazing looking. Plus the studio, BioWare, really needs a Hit after the Flop that was Mass Effect Andromida. My Stepdad Loves Mass Effect but even he hated that game.

4) Spiderman (Sony):

3rd year in a row they showed this! SONY GET OFF YOUR SPIDER BUTT AND RELEASE IT ALREADY GEEZ!

3) Fortnite for Switch:

Never played FORTNITE but when I get a Nintendo Switch, THIS IS THE FIRST GAME I'M DOWNLOADING. Finally going to see what all the fuss is about.

2) Kingdom Hearts III (Disney/Square Enix):

It's KINGDOM HEARTS. Finally took Square Enix and Disney Long enough, Forzen is in it, Tangled is in it, and Freaking Pirates if the Carribean is in it. Our Buddy Jack Sparrow is in it. Now its time to play the waiting game for this game.

And now for the Number 1 Game.


Do I have to explain it?


If there's a game I missed, wait until jimbob16gros does his list. Speaking of which he is guest hosting next episode.

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