Dipper sat in front of the paintings. They still did not make any sense.
He'd been there for hours. Right now, he was studying the certain blue, yellow, and orange painting. That's when I became a demon, Bill had said to him. What did he mean by that? He wasn't a demon before? What was he?
"Kid!" A pink light came to his peripheral vision.
Dipper turned around, used to Pyronica. She was nice to him. "Yes?" He answered.
The flames disappeared from her magenta hand as she ruffled his already messy hair. "It's time for dinner, Dip Dip!" She told him with a smile.
Dipper shook his head sadly. "I'm not hungry," he admitted. He just really missed his family. That was also another thing that was on this mind—was his family safe? Are any of them...gone? Did they have food? He thought not, so he wouldn't eat just for the sake of it. He couldn't bear himself to eat everything he'd wanted while his family and friends and everyone else who weren't captured yet were starving.
Pyronica tilted her head. "Hey, chin up!" Dipper looked up at her. "If you will come to dinner with us, then we might be able to ask Bill if he could take you to see your family. I know you miss them!"
Dipper sniffed. "You really think so?" He wouldn't want Bill to get angry when he'd ask him. He is terrifying when he's angry. Dipper'd like not to die tonight, thanks.
The demon chuckled. "Of course. Bill's not all that bad, you know," she punched his shoulder gently.
Dipper's mouth turned up a bit. "I guess I could get something to eat, anyway."
Now came dinner. Unlike getting his food and taking it to his "room", there was a long table in the middle of the room filled with hungry henchmaniacs. Dipper looked around; Cipher was not in sight. He loosened a breath. Eating would be easier without him in the room.
Pyronica led him to a couple of empty spots at the table and held the chair out for him, which Dipper sat in politely and she took the chair next to his.
He could feel all the demons' stares on him. He put his chin up. He didn't want them to think he looked afraid, even though his thoughts were going through the roof. Dipper wield control of those thoughts and made them go away. He would not be afraid. He was not afraid.
A ringing sound from the other end of the table dragged him from his thoughts, and now he recognized a voice he knew too well.
"-toast to Weirdmageddon being officially now existent! And to my favorite Pine Tree, who has decided to join us tonight."
All attention was brought to him. He will not be afraid, he was not afraid, I am not afraid.
Dipper said and did nothing as the demons raised their glasses full of odd liquid and cheered.
Pyronica clapped him on the back. "The things we eat may not be so suitable for you, so I'm going to find something else that you can eat! I'll be right back," she told him with a smile as she got up and out of her chair. Great. His bodyguard isn't by his side anymore.
I am not afraid. Dipper looked around and saw that the henchmaniacs were digging in into their weird sustenance. His stomach started to growl. He hoped Pyronica would be back soon. A warm, yellow glow took her place on the chair next to him. Super.
"What do you want?" Dipper barked.
Bill Cipher rolled his eye as took Pyronica's chair. "Can I get a 'thank you' for letting you have food and water and all that while staying here?"
Dipper refused to say anything.
The triangle pressed,"If you eat the food we eat, then you might die from how much energy is stored in it. You are lucky that we're going out to give you your food and water." Bill chuckled and leaned back, twirling the weird liquid in his cup.
Dipper sighed and pondered for a moment. Bill did give him a bedroom and a bathroom. And food. And water. He supposed he should thank him...
"Fine. Thank you."
Bill's eye seemed to light up in delight. "Marvelous! And now, what would you say about joining us, and becoming a henchmaniac?"
Dipper choked on his spit. He? Henchmaniac? "W-what..." he stuttered. This couldn't be real. Bill Cipher wanted to turn him into a demon.
"What do you say?"
Dipper could do nothing except shake his head, mouth dry and body frozen in shock.
Bill's eye narrowed as he snapped his fingers, summoning a glass of water for the boy. "Fine. have it your way," and then he teleported away.
Dipper could finally move. He reached for his glass of water and chugged it down eagerly, soothing his dry throat.
This all had to be a dream. He pinched himself just to be sure—yes. This was reality. Dipper almost cried at the impact of the word, reality. Nothing seemed to be real anymore. Everything he couldn't have ever even dream of was reality.
He wanted everything to go back to normal—but he knew that could never, ever happen. This is reality. That terrible, terrible word.

Oak Tree | BillDip
Fanfiction"Eeny!" Pine tree. "Meeny!" Shooting star. "Miney!" Pine tree. "YOU!!" Shooting star. "Wait!" Dipper forced out. "I...I wanna make a deal with you." 13+ cover art by elentori #1 rank in #billcipher (AUG 9 2019) #1 rank in #billdip! (AUG 9 2019) ...